Jessica Stroup (“The Following”) and Tom Pelphrey (“Banshee”) have joined the growing cast of the Netflix original series “Marvel’s Iron Fist” as Joy and Ward Meachum, childhood acquaintances of Danny Rand’s who now play an important role in Rand Enterprises.
The children of Harold Meachum (David Wenham), Joy and Ward have spent their lives building Rand Enterprises to its current standing in the world, only to have all their work put in jeopardy when Danny returns to claim his birthright.
“With the terrific addition of the very talented Jessica and Tom, we’ve now brought the entire Meachum family together,” said Executive Producer/Head of Marvel Television, Jeph Loeb. “While Marvel couldn’t be happier, Danny's mission just got a lot more complicated.
“I’m very happy to have Jessica and Tom as our Joy and Ward Meachum,” said Executive Producer and Showrunner Scott Buck. “Much like Danny Rand’s past is a mystery to us, we’ll discover along the way that the Meachum children have intriguing secrets of their own."
Stroup and Pelphrey complete the cast of series regulars for “Marvel’s Iron Fist,” which includes Finn Jones as Danny Rand, Jessica Henwick as Colleen Wing, and David Wenham as Harold Meachum.
In “Marvel’s Iron Fist,” Daniel Rand returns to New York City after being missing for years. He fights against the criminal element corrupting New York City with his incredible kung-fu mastery and ability to summon the awesome power of the fiery Iron Fist.
"Marvel's Iron Fist" is produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Studios for Netflix.
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