The first set of Ant-Man animation shorts from Marvel have been released online. Check out the first shorts, “Science Fair,” “Alien Invasion,” and “Soup Time” below.
The new shorts will continue to air this weekend on Disney XD, followed by the second set airing the next day.
The character of Ant-Man will be voiced by Josh Keaton, the shrinking hero will fight evil alongside the Wasp and Hank Pym. He’ll score occasional breaks to help daughter Cassie with her homework.
The six two-minute shorts in this series are animated by Passion Pictures and are directed by Ugo Bienvenu and Kevin Manach, written by Brian Wysol, executive-produced by Alan Fine, Dan Buckley, Joe Quesada, Cort Lane, Stephen Wacker, and Stan Lee, with Cara Speller and Marc Bodin-Joyeux also serving as producers.
The first shorts (titled “Science Fair,” “Alien Invasion,” and “Soup Time”) will air on Disney XD on Saturday, June 10 at 7:58 a.m. ET, with the next two (“Alien Invasion” and “Soup Time”) following at 11:58 a.m. and 2:58 p.m. The next three (“Exterminator, Proton Cube,” and “Not a Date”) will air the next day at 11:28 a.m., 5:28 p.m., and 8:58 p.m., respectively.