The following contains spoilers from Marvel's Luke Cage Marvel's The Defenders...
Entertainment Weekly has released a new image from the second season of Marvel's Luke Cage which shows Misty Knight (Simone Missick) wearing a prosthetic bionic arm to replace the one the Hand villain Bakuto (Ramón Rodríguez) sliced off in Marvel’s The Defenders. Misty wound up recovering in a hospital owned by Danny Rand (Finn Jones) and watched over by Colleen Wing (Jessica Henwick).
For the Netflix series, details are being kept quiet on how and when Misty gets her new bionic arm. In the comics, Misty’s bionic arm was designed by Tony Stark and Stark Industries after she lost the limb in a bombing. The arm grants her superhuman strength and a slew of other abilities involving energy blasts and gravity fields and even a nifty ability to control robots.
Marvel's Luke Cage returns in 2018 on Netflix.
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