On 4/1/2019 at 10:29 PM, hisDUDENESS9829 said:Ive seen a few at my Targets lately for $10 and it is well worth that price. I wouldnt rule it out!
I don't know if you noticed, but I don't live in the US. Haha And I am not going to pay like 40 bucks for international shipping. I had to find it at BBTS or somewhere else for a very reasonable price and have it shipped to a Fowarder. Target doesn't do that. I don't think BBTS has it anymore.
2 hours ago, FASVB said:Nice headsculpt! Custom?
O thought many times about getting this ML and try to repaint or something. The figure is not really bad. But I'm always non the fence since I have other priorities.
The instagram OP says the head is fromonesixthkit.
You should definitely get this figure, it's the best comic Iron Man figure to date. It's got a great range of articulation, a highly-accurate sculpt, nice color palette, and the accesories are great. The Tony Stark headsculpt is even based on David Marquez' interpretation of the character from his Iron Man issues (Marquez being also who designed this armor to begin with). I'd say this figure is the goldstandard for Marvel Legends Iron Man figures.
You can even combine the headsculpt and the repulsor cannon accessory with another Iron Man figure (namely the Heroic Age Iron Man) to breathe new life into it and allow for new poses. You can also use the headsculpt on a suited body and get yourself a Tony Stark figure.
I like everything but the arms, the arms, for some reason seem a little to small. I just started trying to customize and work on figures myself.