MarvelousNews Photo Of The Day - You Can Do It Miles By Nerdyeggroll

MarvelousNews Photo Of The Day - You Can Do It Miles By Nerdyeggroll

Jay Cochran - July 13, 2019
In this segment that we call Marvelous Toy Photo Of The Day, we spotlight awesome Toy Photography from some of the hottest photographers on the Internet today.

For today's photo we are spotlighting Photographer Nerdyeggroll and his photo titled "You Can Do It Miles".

"You Can Do It Miles" By Nerdyeggroll

Be sure to give Nerdyeggroll a follow on Instagram and let him know what you think of his work in the comments below.

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newcollector24680 - 2019-07-15 @ 8:44 pm
4 minutes ago, BludChylde said:

Valid point, but to me, not having full contact with the surface makes it look like he is just landing.

Oh yeah. I can see that. But Ithink it's just cuz Marvel Legends Spider-Man figures don't have all the articulation they need to pull off crazy classic poses so it just wasn't impossible to do.

BludChylde - 2019-07-15 @ 8:40 pm
11 minutes ago, newcollector24680 said:

Great shot. Though since the hand in the front is so visible it would be more important for it to fully touch the ground. But overall it looks really nice.

Valid point, but to me, not having full contact with the surface makes it look like he is just landing.

newcollector24680 - 2019-07-15 @ 8:27 pm

Great shot. Though since the hand in the front is so visible it would be more important for it to fully touch the ground. But overall it looks really nice.

BludChylde - 2019-07-15 @ 1:33 am

Love this shot. Great lighting, amazing looking background.

Batbishop - 2019-07-14 @ 3:10 pm

Got a real comic feel from this.

Satam - 2019-07-13 @ 10:16 pm

That is really cosmic.

silverback - 2019-07-13 @ 9:08 pm

Bravo again eggroll, nice one. Maybe they will take some tips from the animated movie when and if they decide to go to the big screen with the multiverse concept. Heard something about Tobey Maguire in talks about something but don't know if that's legit or not. Anyway it would be cool to see it. Thanks again.

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