5 hours ago, memocromatico said:I know Yeah. I saw Boog Nice's interview with the Hasbro team and when he asked if we'll see anymoreNetflix Defenders series characters, they said that they still had plans for it.
Great choice for pic of the day.
10 hours ago, newcollector24680 said:We might notsee any more Netflix Defenders series figures from Hasbro anymore cuz now they will be entering the MCU and will probably get their own figures since Disney owns them. I know
Nice one Darcreign, was Bullseye's tooth already missing or did Frank Castle do that? That Frank is a rough customer. Nice work here.
7 hours ago, memocromatico said:We need a Netflix* Bullseye, Kingpin, Misty and Mary IMO. We might notsee any more Netflix Defenders series figures from Hasbro anymore cuz now they will be entering the MCU and will probably get their own figures since Disney owns them.
2 hours ago, MCU_Legend_Hunter said:We need an MCU bullseye We need a Netflix* Bullseye, Kingpin, Misty and Mary IMO.
13 hours ago, newcollector24680 said:Love how the Punisher's rocking that rape faceBut seriously this is a great shot. Unfortunate photo title is unfortunate. Cheeto - 2019-07-30 @ 11:31 am
9 hours ago, newcollector24680 said:Love how the Punisher's rocking that rape faceBut seriously this is a great shot. I cant unsee that now
Kinda hard to be incognito with a big bullseye carved onto your forehead.
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