Nice scene from Endgame, one of my favorite marvel movies.
On 5/19/2020 at 12:27 AM, Nerdyeggroll said:All marvel legends here. I switched the Regular movie head on capt marvel for thebinary head and spidey is from the movie two pack with Ironman had to use a hand from an old movie Spider-Man because mine came with 2 left hands Thanks Nerdyeggroll....now you got me thinking if I should get the marvel legends capt marvel binary form
On 5/16/2020 at 10:53 AM, Bluecomet said:Cool recreation of an iconic moment in the movie.. what action figures did you use here? not sure if it is marvel legends because of the shine in costume All marvel legends here. I switched the Regular movie head on capt marvel for thebinary head and spidey is from the movie two pack with Ironman had to use a hand from an old movie Spider-Man because mine came with 2 left hands
1 hour ago, Bluecomet said:Cool recreation of an iconic moment in the movie.. what action figures did you use here? not sure if it is marvel legends because of the shine in costume appears Carol's head is from the binary figure, but the body is from the Sentry wave Carol figure (the non-bomber jacket version). Glove from Endgame wave 3 Iron Man... not sure about Pete - maybe a select Iron Spidey?
1 hour ago, Nerdyeggroll said:Thank you so much for the feature! Heres a higher quality of the picture if you need it Cool recreation of an iconic moment in the movie.. what action figures did you use here? not sure if it is marvel legends because of the shine in costume
Thank you so much for the feature! Heres a higher quality of the picture if you need it
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