This Marvelous Custom was done by
IronWill who has created custom 3.75" Marvel Universe style Agent Venom figure.
Here is how he describes the making of this figure:
"his was maybe one of the best recycles of a character that had run it's course.
Head/Torso - MU FF Spiderman (One from 2 pk w/ Doom)
Hands/Legs - MU Steve Rogers
Neck Guard - Renegade Duke Vest Collar
Neck Guard Front Plate - Storm Shadow v28 Mouth Guard from Hood
Shoulder Pads - Batman Begins Batman
Bracers - Wraith
Current Belt - Captain America (Movie Line)
Shin Guards - Captain America Fortress Assault
Knee Pads - Renegade Duke
2 Holsters - MU Punisher"
Check out the image(s) of his customs below in our
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