Ebony Maw is actually about a head or two taller than Proxima Midnight. He's also significantly taller than Loki (I'm eyeballing this, pulled up the opening scene of IW on Netflix to check.)
This made me hate the figure a little less? Either way he wont be a pick up for me. I just cant focus on building another team outside of the x-men at the moment. Great review though!
This is the figure from the wave I definitely want the most. Not disappointed at all
Nice looking figure though I dont remember him being "that tall" (I might be wrong)I know he's suposed to be a tall character I just think he is just a little bit on the tall side.
Nice review Shartimus, I think that Ebony Maw is the most evil, ugly and obnoxious villain ever. With that said I cant wait to get this figure. Oh and somebody tell the Maw that Graviton said he wants his powers back. Thanks
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