Dang, this figure looks incredible!
its the coolest iron man armor in the MCU in my opinion
This figure looks amazing. It does suck that it is not included with an interchangeable nano gauntlet. I am looking forward to having this figure in hand. I kinda wish they had also included a Tony Stark head.
Is it just me or is this figure nearly hot toys level ???
Dude this thing looks dope
This figure makes me hopeful that the marvel legends version will have similar paint. But knowing Hasbro its not going to happen.
While most figuarts do not look well next to legends, I feel like this piece would look quite well among them with the right pose and position.
13 minutes ago, michiganjfrog said:or a certain other object ;D?
If you mean the Infinity Stones the yeah that would be awesome! but considering that this had to come out before the movie and all SHF had was concept art then it would've been impossible to include it.
20 hours ago, newcollector24680 said:I really wish this came with a battle damaged unmasked head and at least one nano weapon.
or a certain other object ;D?
I really wish this came with a battle damaged unmasked head and at least one nano weapon.
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