Marvel Legends Logan Movie 6" Logan And Professor X Figure 2-Pack Video Review And Images

Marvel Legends Logan Movie 6" Logan And Professor X Figure 2-Pack Video Review And Images

Jay Cochran - August 19, 2020
ShartimusPrime takes a look at the new Marvel Legends Logan Movie 6" Logan And Professor X Figure 2-Pack from Hasbro. This set will be made available on the HasbroPulse website in September.

Check out images for this set below in our IMAGE GALLERY and be sure to share your own thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
leokearon - 2020-08-21 @ 7:37 am

Even after watching the review, I have no interest in getting this.

Satam - 2020-08-21 @ 4:28 am

Those claws are awesome. Since this was going to be a con exclusive, it's just so weird that a figure of Laura wasn't included.

WeaponXXX - 2020-08-21 @ 4:03 am

I really want this 2 pack for the bloody claws this pack really should have included X 23 I like the way Charles and Logan came out but I really think they missed a opportunity here not including Laura also Fantastic pictures well done I'm not a box guy but these movie line figures packages are hot

Lord_Scareglow - 2020-08-20 @ 8:39 pm

they both don't interest me in terms of getting me to open my wallet, I see no need for these in my collection, but they do look really good face sculpt wise, however there are some weird little nit pick issues with these , what is up with the way Logan's head sits on that neck ? wooof looks horrid why didn't they say... hey look at Xavier he doesn't have a weird gap.. yeah make sure Logan doesn't either.nope, green light right into all that head gappy production , but less annoying to look at , but still is, is the fact the Head sits to forward on Xavier giving him what seems to be a hunched look and squished head... it's weird both of these things throw me off, yes faces look great, bloody claws looks great.. but some unacceptable flaws

tudortiger2000 - 2020-08-20 @ 10:55 am

We really can't get a home run with ourHasbro releases. Headsculpts alone, Charles Xavier looks awsome while Logan suffers from from a "meh"look. And this is an exclusive.

Bluecomet - 2020-08-20 @ 6:47 am
5 hours ago, McHogan said:

Dude, 100 pictures?!? Where do you find the time?

In truth, love the comparison pics. Glad to see how new figures stack up

I was amazed by all the pictures...nice blood effects

DylanRaven055 - 2020-08-20 @ 2:01 am

Love this! Can't wait to have more information about it. Somehow Hasbro is getting me to buy 3 Logan figures. I've already got the Amazon exclusive one, and I have the regular one on pre-order. Now just waiting to see how this two-pack will be offered

McHogan - 2020-08-20 @ 1:04 am

Dude, 100 pictures?!? Where do you find the time?

In truth, love the comparison pics. Glad to see how new figures stack up

GrtWhiteCustoms - 2020-08-20 @ 12:55 am

Not interested in this set but that Xaviar looks spot on!

Reno - 2020-08-20 @ 12:00 am

I don't personally have any interest in movie figures, but I'd love to pick these up to use as generic civilian figures if I ever found them cheap enough such as 50% off or something.

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