First Look At Captain America From Avengers: Age Of Ultron

First Look At Captain America From Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Jay Cochran - March 30, 2014
New on-location shooting from Seoul, South Korea which has hit the Internet gives us our first look at Captain America and the uniform he will be wearing in the upcoming movie. The scene being shot appears to be some type of highway chase scene where Captain America is trying to climb onto a truck belonging to a company called U-GIN, Genetics Infinite, R&D. The person wearing the Captain America uniform appears to be a stunt double and not Chris Evans. The costume though we don't get a full on look at appears to be more in keeping with what we saw in the first Avengers movie however there do seem to be some minor differences with it. Check out images of it below.

Check out the complete video footage below of the shooting below.

The second Avengers movie is slated to open on May 1st, 2015.


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