Those of you who were out hunting for new Spider-Man 3 products from Hasbro may have come across a few store exclusives this weekend, such as the Sandman Vs. Spider-Man Battle-Pack at Target or the Limited Edition 5" Black Costume Spider-Man figure at Wal-Mart. Well there is a third exclusive that you may have seen listed on the back of the packaging of the Wal-Mart Spider-Man figure, but not actually seen out at the store. This would be a Limited Edition 5" Venom figure. According to The Limited Edition Venom will be available in the coming weeks, but not on 3/24, which was the offical release date for the other Spider-Man 3 products from Hasbro. So if you were worried because you haven't found it yet, you can now breathe a little easier. Thanks to Batman27 for the heads up.
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