I can already see the Disney store exclusive damaged deco, unmasked variant being announced.
Looks pretty cool butit doesn't have the Tony Stark head or any battle damage so I would rather get the ML one since it fits in scale more with my collection. I think DST will make another one that's battle damaged and with an unmasked head.
3 hours ago, Merchverse said:Hasbro will release an extra hand for their Mark 85 at some point. Or rerelease that figure with battle damage and a tony stark head.
im betting on the battle damaged one
still though, this is a very good select figure and if it came out before the ML one I would probably have gotten it
Hasbro will release an extra hand for their Mark 85 at some point. Or rerelease that figure with battle damage and a tony stark head.
7 minutes ago, ADour said:The gauntlet in the figure looks like it does in the movie, but in the film it's obscured by the energy discharge. The figure is additionally based on concept art like this one, in which there's no energy flowing:
There's an excess silver IMO... but I may be being picky.
1 hour ago, FASVB said:The color of the gauntlet hand seems off to me. Isn't it supposed to be all red with the energy flowing?
The gauntlet in the figure looks like it does in the movie, but in the film it's obscured by the energy discharge. The figure is additionally based on concept art like this one, in which there's no energy flowing:
The color of the gauntlet hand seems off to me. Isn't it supposed to be all red with the energy flowing?
I wonder if the hand can be wedged into the Marvel Legends version... Of course, assuming it won't look too out of place due to scale.
Glad they added the stones.
I'm pretty happy about having this figure. Although, I doesn't appear to come with an alternative RDJ head. So, I'm thinking that the Disney exclusive will be a battle damaged Endgame Iron Man with a RDJ since they did that with Iron Man 3 and Winter Soldier Cap, plus they did an unmasked Tom Holland Spidey.
Anyway, it just looks so cool seeing Iron Man with the Gauntlet.
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