We've known all the single release figures for Hasbro's next wave of
Spider-Man themed 6" Marvel Legends figures for a few months now, but Hasbro has yet to reveal the
Build-A-Figure for this wave. That will likely change either this weekend or next since Hasbro will be
attending 4 different EU conventions where new product will be unveiled. However before we get to the official reveal, we thought it would be fun to do some good-old fashion speculation.
So first lets just recap all the regular figures slated for this wave.
White Rabbit (Comic)
Classic Vulture (Comic)
Superior Octopus (Comic)
Shang-Chi (Comic)
Velocity Suit Spider-Man (PS4 Game)
Spider-Armor Mark III (PS4 Game)
So what should the
Build-A-Figure for this wave be? Here are our
Top 5 choices, keeping in mind this purely
SPECULATION on our part and not based on any kind of insider information.
5. Madame Web
While not the most exciting character on the list, the mystery fortune teller has been around a long time and been featured in games, cartoons and has even been rumored for the big-screen treatment. By herself she wouldn't make a very interesting Build-A-Figure, but if you included her huge spider-like chair she is usually seen sitting in, then I think you could see the potential.
4. Stilt-Man
This one is probably more wishful thinking than anything and generally not thought of as a Spider-Man villain, but he is known for going toe-to-toe with Daredevil. Since Daredevil figures generally end up in these Spider-Man waves, we figure why not? With his long legs which hopefully could be retractable, we think this would make an awesome Build-A-Figure.
3. Spider-Hulk
In all honesty this one was originally chosen simply for his size and the fact Toy Biz did a version back in the day. He was going to be our fifth and final pick for the list but then we heard the news that Marvel was planning on bringing him back as the Immortal Spider-Hulk and we decided to jump him from 5 to 3.
2. Spider-Slayer
This one seems like a no-brainer for the Build-A-Figure treatment. Spider-Slayer has had many looks over the years big and small, but of course we are envisioning one of the bigger versions for the plastic treatment, which will hopefully feature a computer screen with J.J.s face plastered on it.
1. PS4 Spider-Man Game Rhino
This one comes in at #1 for us because we think it would make a pretty cool looking figure and for the fact this wave already features two other figures based on video game designs, so why not a third???
Let us know in the
COMMENTS SECTION below which character you want to see Hasbro include in this wave as the Build-A-Figure.