2020 almost upon us I wanted to put out my
Top 10 wish list of 6" Marvel Legends MCU based figures I hope
Hasbro will release in the coming year. This list will include both movie and TV series characters. Obviously this list is based on characters I know of and would not include any as-of-yet revealed ones in movies due out in 2020. Feel free to share your own Top 10 list in the the
10) Iron Man Mark V (Iron Man 2)
While this armor never saw much action in the MCU, I did like the look of it and thought Hasbro should give us a good 6" Marvel Legends version. At the time Iron Man 2 was released Hasbro was putting most of their focus on 4" figures. Hasbro did do a 4" version of this armor but never released a 6" version that I recall, or if they did it wasn't very good.
09) Quake (Agents of SHIELD)
With Agents of SHIELD heading towards it's final season, I don't really expect much chance of this figure happening. I wouldn't mind seeing other AOS characters done as well, but if I had to choose one I would go with Quake.
08) Captain Marvel (Avengers: Endgame)
I might be in a minority for this one, but I would like to see Hasbro give us a Captain Marvel from the end of Avengers: Endgame featuring the short hair and some good energy type effects.
07) Baron Zemo (Falcon And The Winter Solider)
We only have this early promo art to go by right now, but I think Zemo who likely will dawn his Zemo outfit for the first time in the upcoming Disney+ series would be fitting for the Marvel Legends figure treatment.
06) Winter Soldier (Falcon And The Winter Solider)
Digging the short hair and more clean cut look, I wouldn't mind seeing us get a good updated Marvel Legends version of Bucky Barnes from the upcoming Disney+ series.
05) Deadpool (Deadpool)
While we likely won't see a Deadpool movie figure released until Disney releases a Deadpool movie, I wouldn't mind going on and getting one based on the previous two movies released by 20th Century Fox.
04) Iron Man Mark 85 (Avengers: Endgame)
Hasbro has already given us a pretty good Marvel Legends Mark 85 figure, but they did not include any of the weapon accessories seen in the movie. Hasbro needs to re-release the figure with the back lightning charger piece and a power gauntlet he can wear so he can snap Thanos out of existence once and for all.
03) Falcon (Falcon And The Winter Soldier)
Based on concept art, Falcon also appears to be getting an updated look for the new Disney+ series. This is a version I definitely would like to see a Marvel Legends figure done since it seems to capture his comic book look more.
02) USAgent (Falcon And The Winter Soldier)
Like with the other characters from this show, we have only seen early concept art. Based on that and the fact USAgent is one of my favorite characters, I most certainly want to see a Marvel Legends figure of him done sooner rather than later.
01) Warrior Thor (Avengers: Endgame)
The one main character Hasbro has yet to release from Avengers: Endgame is Thor from the final battle scene of the movie. I can't imagine Hasbro won't do this one, but so far nothing has been announced. This is a must have for me, which is why I have him coming in at number 1 for my most wanted MCU figures of 2020.
Build-A-Figure - Iron Monger (Iron Man)
Just because no Marvel Legends wave is complete without a Build-A-Figure, I thought I would add one more to the list. It's Iron Monger from the first Iron Man movie. Hasbro did do a pretty weak version of him back in the day that wasn't released as a BAF, so I would definitely love to see an updated version done with the correct proportions and decent articulation.