Marvel Legends 6" Marvel's Avengers Outback Hulk Gamerverse Gamestop Exclusive Figure Video Review And Images

Marvel Legends 6" Marvel's Avengers Outback Hulk Gamerverse Gamestop Exclusive Figure Video Review And Images

Jay Cochran - June 27, 2020
Dan Who? Reviews takes a look at the new Marvel Legends 6" Marvel's Avengers Outback Hulk Gamerverse figure from Hasbro. Here in the US the figure is being sold as a Gamestop exclusive.

Check out images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your own thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
EUPHORICVIKING - 2020-07-01 @ 12:50 pm

I actually like the design. It doesn't resemble or remind me of hulk, but it could make for an interesting random strong villian?

drbeck - 2020-07-01 @ 10:02 am

The hands doesnt fit - the grey Hulks body is way bigger! But you can test with the movie Hulk - is the same mold like the gameverse outback Hulk

Scruffy_Nerd - 2020-06-30 @ 10:40 pm

If you have grey Hulk now you can have new hands I guess that is a plus.

drbeck - 2020-06-30 @ 10:21 pm

What a waste of plastic ! A unknown Version in a Bad design.

leokearon - 2020-06-29 @ 12:47 pm
1 hour ago, Bluecomet said:

Thanks for the correction...I was not really familiar with gameverse.

It's nothing to do with the Gamerverse, in the comics Grey is shorter than Green in most cases

Bluecomet - 2020-06-29 @ 11:43 am
19 hours ago, leokearon said:

If I remember correctly the Grey Hulk is supposed to be shorter than the Green Savage version, so the scale would actually be right

Thanks for the correction...I was not really familiar with gameverse.

Legender - 2020-06-28 @ 7:43 pm
19 hours ago, Gigantor said:

Zero interest in Gamerverse based figs , only Mar'vell & Leader for me & already sold off the Abom pieces on eBay so basically got both for $12-$13 each.

I think that's the problem so far, they launched these figures way before the game so nobody is interested! The first Spiderman from the PS4 game is already expensive, and the other two I was able to sell them in 17 dollars without the BAF, but people were already interested in those designs from the game.

Summers71 - 2020-06-28 @ 7:11 pm

Kinda interesting, but not something Im looking forward to.

Satam - 2020-06-28 @ 4:14 pm

I forgot about this one.

leokearon - 2020-06-28 @ 3:52 pm
5 hours ago, Bluecomet said:

I prefer hulk to be bigger...I assume outback hulk is savage, so it should have the body of the 80 yrs hulk rather than the tame end game hulk

If I remember correctly the Grey Hulk is supposed to be shorter than the Green Savage version, so the scale would actually be right

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