other day when word first broke about the new
Shang-Chi: And The Legend Of The Ten Rings Target exclusive Marvel Legends Katy figure, we had reported the figure would cost $27. It turned out that was incorrect and the figure should only cost $22.99. Hasbro confirmed the $22.99 price the next day when they sent out a press release about the figure.
The reason we reported the $27 price initially because at least one
Target store out there was listing it with a $27 price.
Omni who first altered us about this figure being found sends in these two scans from two different stores which were taken today showing the two different prices. The figure is code named
"Bullseye" which simply designates it as a
Target exclusive. Even though the price on the scans at the two different stores are different, you can see the
DPCI# 087-16-2617 and
TCIN #81262958 are the same.
The reason we are bringing this to your attention now is because we don't know how many Target stores out there might have the incorrect price for the figure in their system. If you decide to go out looking for this figure on Sunday (4/25) which is the official sale date, we want to make sure you don't get charged an incorrect price for it. If by chance the figure rings up at $27, you will want to make sure they adjust the price to the correct $22.99 price. Thanks to
Omni for the heads up.