Marvel Legends Series Galactus HasLab Unboxing Video

Marvel Legends Series Galactus HasLab Unboxing Video

Jay Cochran - July 20, 2022
Hasbro has posted an unboxing video for their Haslab Marvel Legends Galactus figure.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
since83 - 2024-03-20 @ 4:02 pm

My Sentinal is currently displayed on a bookcase in my living room with his Orchis brethren along with the soon to be Uncanny and plain X Men lineups. (Pretty exciting that I have all the new members of those teams other than one) And he looks amazing btw.

Galactus and his Heralds are looming over my Vinyl cabinets in my living room looking even more amazing. Destroyer looks really cool between Terrax and Morg.

Never regretted getting either for even a second.

Thwippersnapper - 2024-03-19 @ 6:02 pm

I messed around with Galactus for a day before I put him back in the box. Just had nowhere to put him at the time. But I should finally have a place set up this year ha.

As for the Sentinel, I may have had mine out for 20 minutes before I also put him back in the box. Ended up giving that one to of my siblings who missed out on it. As cool as he is, I just kept thinking man, I wish this was a good ol classic Sentinel. Wouldve backed a few if that were the case.


Slashman3 - 2024-03-19 @ 12:44 pm
On 3/18/2024 at 6:35 PM, RobertD said:

I still haven't even opened mine. Or my Sentinels for that matter. I'm the worst collector ever.

RobertD - 2024-03-18 @ 11:35 pm

I still haven't even opened mine. Or my Sentinels for that matter. I'm the worst collector ever.

raziel0203 - 2024-03-18 @ 9:04 pm

I was really considering buying this but it already sold out! I was just getting into the Marvel Legends line when Galactus was happening and I couldn't justify spending this much at the time but I always regret not snagging this one.

MeGrimlock78 - 2024-03-18 @ 3:31 pm

Only a 50% mark up? That's actually not so bad, considering what earlier HasLabs were going for.

Uh, not that I bought two just to flip one, no sir, not me...

AndyL - 2024-03-18 @ 1:37 pm

What? See this is the kind of thing I think hurts Haslab projects. Not that there's any weight to it but this could give some people the standpoint of deciding to hold off on backing a project because they assume it will be available at a later time. Are these actual figures ordered by BBTS that were part of the backers or are these backers that backed out after the project funded? Pun not intended but appropriate I guess. I think this kind of thing could have hurt the Giant Man Haslab though I think the unlockables really did the actual damage after the initial funding TBH.

Psychosomatic - 2022-10-14 @ 10:04 pm

Look forward to seeing pics of Galactus displayed with Nova, Silver Surfer, Morg, the Fallen, Terrax, Herald Thor, Fire Lord, and Cosmic Ghost Rider. Wonder if we will get more Heralds in 2023.

Ithadar - 2022-10-14 @ 4:45 pm

I cant wait to see him show up on my doorstep!!! I have a display case all ready for him. Now that he is paid for and the Hiss tank is paid for I fail to have any excitement for the Ghost Rider. I think they need to focus on team sets rather than vehicles with Marvel Legends. Stick to vehicles with the GI Joe line. The Marvel Haslab team has their work cut out for them in my opinion because there isnt really and huge figures left that would be an instant seller. I think sets like the Masters of evil, sinister six, marauders and even morlocks would be a better idea than a ghost rider car. They also need to keep the sets in the 200.00 range to be really successful. Instead of fast profits they should look at longevity for this department.

JayC - 2022-10-14 @ 4:21 pm

Dan Who? Reviews takes a look at the new Marvel Legends Haslab Galactus figure from Hasbro.

Check out images below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your own thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
















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