Hasbro X-Men Marvel Legends Nemesis Build-A-Figure Wave In-Hand Look

by Jay Cochran
March 9, 2025
Shown below via Isaac Wong are in-hand images for the new X-Men Marvel Legends Nemesis Build-A-Figure wave. You can purchase this wave from our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth.

This wave includes the following figures:

- Age Of Apocalypse Gambit - This figure includes a staff and alternate hands. It also has a cloak and It has pin-less arms and legs. The figure uses brown and blue colors and a new headsculpt. In some comics it had greens and in some browns, but they went with brown for this figure.

- X-Treme X-Men Wolverine - This figure includes 3 pairs of hands and now BAF piece. He has combat fatigue black pants. Ryan would love to do a X-Treme X-Men Rogue and Storm.

- Acolytes Fabian Cortez - Includes 2 Power Effects for his hands and alternate hands. It also includes the Nemesis Left Leg. The figure has a ponytail and a removable cape. The figure has pin-less arms and legs.

- Generation X Husk - This figure includes two headsculpts, a normal one and one with here skin being torn off her metal face. She also comes with a chunk of flesh and alternate hands so you can make it look like she is ripping the skin off her face. The body is pretty much the same one used with the previous Generation X Monet figure with a few minor updates. The figure also includes the Torso/Head for Nemesis.

- Marrow - This figure is based on her 90s/early 2000 look. Has bones sticking out her back. She has two bone swords and alternate hands. She has pin-less arms and legs. She also has the left arm for Nemesis.

- X-Factor Cyclops (Blue and Yellow) - This figure comes with a new updated optic blast and two headsculpts (One for optic blast and regular one). This figure uses the Vulcan body. They also asked in the live-stream if people want to see more figures based on the original X-Factor team. This figure comes with the right arm for Nemesis. Dan Yun says the new optic blast doesn't work perfectly with older Cyclops figures but you can make it work.

- Uncanny X-Force Nightcrawler - This figure includes a sword, two headsculpts and multiple hands. The two headsculpts have different eye colors, again because in the comics he was shown with different eye (Yellow and red) colors. This figure has pin-less arms and legs. Ryan in the live-stream made sure to note that Uncanny X-Force is an interesting team, possibly hinting more members from that team will be getting the figure treatment. This figure also includes the dome and back piece for Nemesis.

The Build-A-Figure is of Nemesis.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Reno - 2025-03-09 @ 9:19 pm

The only figures that I don't have in hand yet for the Nemesis BAF wave are Marrow and Nightcrawler. Husk is easily my favorite of those that I have in hand and Cyclops is easily my least favorite so far.

SUPREME007 - 2025-02-21 @ 10:52 pm
On 2/21/2025 at 4:49 PM, Emnems80 said:

I'm surprised how difficult it has been to find comic art of Archangel's wings that exactly match that tease. The only thing I could find that looks anything close to that is this variant comic cover of Uncanny X-Force #15. The only other image I could find looks similar too but I think that's fan art.

I almost forgot about this, made me remember that I hope they redo Deathlok with some better articulation.

Emnems80 - 2025-02-21 @ 9:49 pm

Marvel-Legends-X-Force-Archangel-01.jpg.7d82a5bd9021fa95a7bf991c05ae9922.thumb.jpg.2bebbab9e232bb527777d9f76dcaf8e9.jpg Marvel-Legends-X-Force-Archangel-02.jpg.99e97efd4db69ea6618a6ee5a49117ca.thumb.jpg.20dd161152a2e9eabe59b438d801abc2.jpgI'm surprised how difficult it has been to find comic art of Archangel's wings that exactly match that tease. The only thing I could find that looks anything close to that is this variant comic cover of Uncanny X-Force #15. The only other image I could find looks similar too but I think that's fan art. 8a896cf24ce34849a09ad9f1c632663c.thumb.jpg.4c32ba7650d7f280be12b32cb9874da6.jpg clean.thumb.jpg.153b526c998fee4e585209a504b785bb.jpg

since83 - 2025-02-18 @ 10:44 pm

I actually saw Chameleon at a Target, along with Spiderboy, and Spidey Unlimited. Which is weird cause the SU was sold out on most sites. You'd think the scalpers woulda gotten him. But I digress, Chameleon looked good. Mine had just shipped, so I didn't grab him, but i doubt Ill keep him in package as I originally planned. I did grab the Spiderboy, and he is really cool. I wasn't gonna get him, but now he's been in a few things I'm reading, so hes "real" and I like the character. He's really a cool figure!

AndyL - 2025-02-17 @ 8:37 pm

Re: AoA Gambit

Surprisingly this thing looks pretty darn good. The new lower legs actually gave this Sunfire body model just enough height to make it look properly in scale with not only other Gambit figures but other figures in general. Wait........! Are you telling me creating arms and legs of varying shapes, sizes and lengths could theoretically be designed to be interchangeable with standard body models in order to create body models accurate to a character that might not otherwise be achievable by the previous standard model? Wow! Who knew it was that easy? I mean certainly not just anyone with any amount of common sense. Right? It's not like any other companies like perhaps Mattel have been using that strategy within lines like WWE, MOTU and Monster High for like almost 15 years now or anything. Right? The possibilities are absolutely mind blowing are they not? Somebody should clue the entire industry in on this ASAP.

But seriously. This is an awesome looking figure that uses parts of a terrible model yet manages to look fresh and new with way less effort. How is this not a thing with these guys? Oh my mistake. They do it with the G.I. Joe Classified line all the time. Oh my mistake again. Hasbro owns the rights to GIJC so they can do things like that more cost effectively. Oh my mistake again. That's just a cheap cop out cookie cutter excuse that everyone uses and makes no sense because the biggest reason Hasbro even retains the Marvel license is for the movie rights which technically should make the ML line more profitable and thus should already be under consideration when purchasing those rights and thus the extra expenditures should be justified. Oh my mistake again. Let's just forget about all that. The Marvel license is expensive so lets keep doing stuff like ugly hip joints on the new Miles Morales figure and ill advised silly single ball waist joints on the much awaited and anticipated Classic Power Man figure and ruin what were otherwise good efforts in order to keep a few extra coins to rub together. What are they gonna do? The ML license is expensive. They'll keep coming back. And we do. My mistake again. Hail Hasbro!

Jeddostotle7 - 2025-02-17 @ 12:15 am
On 2/16/2025 at 2:53 PM, Faust said:

One day, Hasbro might give us a Gambit (and cyclops) billed closer to their actual height instead of these damn shorties they keep giving us

wait, how are any of the Cyclopses we've gotten on the Vulcan body "shorties"? the majority of the uses of that body have been 6'2" - 6'3" guys (including the several Cyclopses who've used it); there are a couple 6'1" and 6'-even outliers, but also a couple up to 6'5". seems perfectly fine height for 6'3" Scott to me, even accounting for the slight scale creep the past couple years that body's been a part of

Faust - 2025-02-16 @ 10:53 pm

One day, Hasbro might give us a Gambit (and cyclops) billed closer to their actual height instead of these damn shorties they keep giving us

spoooky - 2025-02-15 @ 6:42 am
On 2/12/2025 at 2:49 AM, leokearon said:

They said it is compatible with early blast effects

Dream big, Burn bright. It'll fit.

Emnems80 - 2025-02-12 @ 6:06 pm
On 2/11/2025 at 11:49 PM, leokearon said:

They said it is compatible with early blast effects

I sure hope so. I watched MCU Collector's review and it seems like he had a difficult time with swapping the effects. Hopefully it was just his copy of the figure.

leokearon - 2025-02-12 @ 7:49 am
On 2/11/2025 at 11:18 PM, stormcloud said:

I wasn't interested in original X-Factor suits, but this Cyclops looks so good in plastic form that I had to preorder. The colors are perfectly bright. And that optic blast looks so cool. Is it interchangeable with the older optic blast effect?

They said it is compatible with early blast effects

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