More images have hit the Internet from the shooting going on now in Seoul, South Korea for Joss Wheadon's Avengers" Age Of Ultron movie. These new images and footage give us a complete look at Captain America's (Chris Evans) costume from the movie as well as our first look at what Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) will be wearing.
Now the images of Black Widow which come from and
Star Daily News show one of Johansson's stunt doubles in action but it still gives us our first look at her costume for the movie which for the most part looks like what she was wearing in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. It looks like they may have added a little red to the sleeves.
These new images of Captain America which come via
CBM give us a complete look at the new costume Evans will be wearing in the movie, and as
we speculated before, the new costume definitely has a "Marvel Now" look and feel about sharing a lot of similarities with the outfit you see him wearing in the comic books these days.
The second Avengers movie is slated to open on May 1st, 2015.
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