The complete cast of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise have signed an open letter supporting fired director James Gunn. The open letter says the cast has been “encouraged” by fans and some members of the media “who wish to see James reinstated” as director of Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3. The director was fired by Disney on July 20th after his old tweets joking about pedophilia and rape were sent around the web by conservative bloggers. 335,588 people have signed a petition demanding his re-hiring as well.
The complete open letter can be read below:
10 hours ago, FASVB said:Well Disney actually got scared that they could not get another hit after Endgame so they decided to regire him. To me that is what happened. The Russo Brothers are out after this last movie and they need a director that can get people into theaters and put in motion the expand to the cosmic realml plan they have.
I see your thought process, but Im not sure if I agree that was why Disney re-hired him. I think they have a pretty solid franchise with GotG and they didnt want to tank it like they have with Star Wars recently. They pulled a WWE, and cut him loose to let the bad PR die down a bit and make it seem like they did the right thing (when in fact it had the opposite effect) likely with intentions of rehiring him later on anyway. After all, they never scrapped his script and none of the actors saying they were going to leave ever actually did. I think they passed on the info to those who needed to know what the plan was going to be in terms of bringing James back, and then waited what they felt was the right time, then made a huge look at what we did! announcement on the heels of Captain Marvels success because they are seeing audience sentiments start to shift.
2019-03-19 @ 5:21 pm
Well Disney actually got scared that they could not get another hit after Endgame so they decided to regire him. To me that is what happened. The Russo Brothers are out after this last movie and they need a director that can get people into theaters and put in motion the expand to the cosmic realml plan they have.
On 3/15/2019 at 2:24 PM, Snikt4bub said:@Gmen4everyoure my spirit animal on a message forum lol. I assume youre a giants fan, as am I, and I agree with everything you said. The hypocrisy & double standard unfortunately is a non-issue because the media is run by the left. Its sickening. Taking politicsout of this, which is so hard to do at this point, but doing it anyway, its probably best for the movie and MCUs sake... but. My two favorite forms of entertainment are football and marvel lol, and both of them seem to be intertwined inthe bowels of the left.
Oh yeah, been a Giants fans since the Phil Simms days. It seems that the left will pull crap that was done or said 20-30-40 yrs ago by someone they don't like, to now crucify them be they dead or alive. How come you don't ever see the right pulling this immature, childish crap? Anyway, I'm glad Gunn is back to helm GOTG3 & look forward to SS2 as well. Like I said before, people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks.
Satam -
2019-03-18 @ 5:56 pm
No one could have done with these movies what James Gunn does, and the cast members, contractually obligated to be there, would not have had their hearts in it without him. Very happy James is coming back. This also makes him the first director to be helming a DC movie and then a Marvel movie back to back, which is a pretty cool distinction.
really glad to have Gunn back on board . Dunno if any other director would have the same sense or feel for the movies
10 hours ago, HyperPoseable said:I just watched Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 yesterday, and I think no other director would be capable of making a sequel for this franchise keeping its tone and complex emotions. It is the most personal and director driven series of movies within the MCU, so I'm glad James Gunn is back to direct this last chapter.
I agree wholeheartedly. I read a quote for Taika Waititi when he was silencing the rumors that he would helm GotG 3 saying that he would never do a movie that had such a personal stamp from another director on it and that there was no way anyone that did would be able to do it justice. Pretty crazy to think about when most of the capefilmsthese days have a pretty cookie cutter feel to them (recent Marvel excluded).
Yes!!!! Im so glad!!!! I was really worried about how Vol. 3 was going to turn out without James.
When the news broke that they would still use his script it gave me a glimmer of hope, and now woth this news I have full confidence itll be great now!!!!
Im glad Marvel/Disney rehires him because GOTG was James love child and he made it into the great franchise it is today! If he wasnt for him, imagine how different I fingy War and Endgame would be. James deserves to have his job back and Im glad he finally has it now.
I just watched Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 yesterday, and I think no other director would be capable of making a sequel for this franchise keeping its tone and complex emotions. It is the most personal and director driven series of movies within the MCU, so I'm glad James Gunn is back to direct this last chapter.
Well, I did NOT see that coming
I know I am a totally different person than I was 10 years ago. Im glad to see that Disney came to their senses and understood that. Plus, the movie is likely going to do well, so they made the best move for their money in my opinion.
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