Marvel Studios has released a new movie poster for Captain Marvel which features Brie Larson on it. Captain Marvel hits theaters March 8, 2019.
I was actually talking bout the costume more than the female cosplayer. I just always find it amusing how movies about comic book based characters who wear spandex superhero costumes & fly, shoot lasers out of their eyes, pop claws outta their hands & can lift cities cannot be in that same attire on the big screen cuz it will seem "kiddyish" I see nothing wrong with the outfit the cosplayer is wearing & why it wouldn't translate well onto the big screen. My biggest gripe with the marvel shows on Netflix was that asides from DD & to some extent the Punisher, all the other "heroes" were in civilian clothing instead of in their superhero garbs. Same for the X-Men movies. I hated when the comics copied their all black leather attire look for the comics in the early 2000s. At least the DCU does their best to keep all their characters both on the big & small screen , in costumes that best match their comicbook look.
"Watchmen" kept them in their comic based superhero costumes, didn't look "kiddyish" to me.
tarot -
2018-12-07 @ 2:12 am
18 minutes ago, Gmen4ever said:Gimme this over Brie Larson & her MCU costume any day & twice on Sunday.

The movie is not out yet. give her a chance.
Did you know that when Iron Man first came out, people were saying the same thing about RDJ? Same with Chris Evans and Cap? hell they have said that for alot of the actors have been said they aren't right for the role but almost always been proved wrong. Wait for the movie to come out BEFORE you judge her.
Gimme this over Brie Larson & her MCU costume any day & twice on Sunday.

So the original male version of Captain Marvel is being omitted from the MCU?
tarot -
2018-12-06 @ 10:49 pm
29 minutes ago, Gmen4ever said:What character is he playing? Cause I coulda sworn I read that he was.
According a pop figure yon ragg
16 hours ago, watanabefan said: He's not playing Mar-Vell.
What character is he playing? Cause I coulda sworn I read that he was.
1 hour ago, Gmen4ever said:Sorry to say, but they totally screwed the pooch with Jude Law as a superhero. Did they even have the guy weight train 6-9 months before he got the role? Mar-Vell is a buff Blue eyed Blond.
He's not playing Mar-Vell.
On ?12?/?3?/?2018 at 7:16 PM, Hordak Rules said:I don't know of you've been following her, but she's been referred to as Captain Marvel since 2012. Taking the mantle of Captain Marvel was the logical evolution of the character.
While I'm pretty sure Jude Law is playing Mar-vell in the movie, I don't know if Marvel Studios would make a movie revolving arounda character that's been pretty much dead for over 3 decades. Better to stick to the one they've investing in for the last couple decades.
Sorry to say, but they totally screwed the pooch with Jude Law as a superhero. Did they even have the guy weight train 6-9 months before he got the role? Mar-Vell is a buff Blue eyed Blond. I'll go see this when it hits, but so far, unlike any of the other MCU movies, I'm just not feeling this one. And this pushing " She's the most powerful Superhero in the MCU is total BS. Thor & the Hulk might have something to say about that. Even in the comics during her history as Ms Marvel, Binary, Warbird, she's never been depicted as such a heavy hitter in Thor's/Hulk's weight class. But hey, it's Disney, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
On 12/3/2018 at 4:22 PM, versus_mode said:Looks amazing, though I'm still not too hyped for the movie. Not sure why, might be because I'm pretty unfamiliar with this character.
That's me too, but the trailer looks really cool. Also, I thought the same thing when Guardians of The Galaxy first came out. I thought the ideas was so bad because no one really knew too much about them, but now it is one of my favorite superhero movies.
G-0 -
2018-12-06 @ 2:59 am
Dig the poster, it has a comic book cover feel to it. As for the movie itself, Im not too excited for it.
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