Kevin Feige made a bombshell announcement at Comic-Con with a listing of new Marvel movies, which included the forthcoming Blade reboot with Oscar-winning actor Mahershala Ali. Many asked on social media why the change of using Ali instead of the Wesley Snipes, who played the day-walking vampire hunter in the original Blade trilogy?
Well, Snipes has heard the Blade fans and has come forward with a statement that was given to
“To all the DAYWALKERS losing their minds right now, chillaaxx. Although the news comes as a surprise, it’s ALL GOOD. Such is the ‘business’ of ‘entertainment!’” He continued,
“Much peace to the MCU crew – always a fan. Honor and respect to the grandmaster Stan. Congratulations and Salaam to Mahershala Ali, a beautiful and talented artist whose expressions I look forward to experiencing for many years to come. Inshallah, we will someday work together. Most importantly to my loyal fans, the incredible outpouring of love is overwhelming. I am grateful for the never-ending support. So, ‘nah fret nah worry, it’s not de end of de story.’ Welcome to the Daywalker Klique.”
That said, Snipes has no complaints about the change and feels as he is passing the torch to the new Blade. In response, Ali paid homage to Snipes by posting a picture of him in full daywalker vampire hunting garb via a
Twitter post.
JayC -
2019-07-25 @ 5:46 pm
10 minutes ago, memocromatico said: 
I think it sucks because, while we don't always agree, they do have something interesting to say about everything Marvel.
Saying stuff to get a rise out of people is not saying something interesting about Marvel. Hoping they cast a white guy as a black character not only has absolutely nothing to do with this actual topic this thread is about but its done with the intent to piss people off. The same small group of people have made it very clear over and over there thoughts on that matter, and in certain threads where that discussion is more in keeping with that topic I've allowed them to voice their opinions within reason, but I'm not going to have every thread hijacked because they don't like something. It gets old and myself and the moderators have better things to do than deal that, and if anyone doesn't like that then they are perfectly welcome to go someplace else, and if they want to force the issue then they will have no choice but to go someplace else.
16 minutes ago, JayC said:Just as glad I am sure as when people come on a message board with seemingly the main intent to try stir sh@t up by rehashing the same tired rhetoric even when it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. It's almost like they want to keep trying to push the limits until they get themselves banned.

I think it sucks because, while we don't always agree, they do have something interesting to say about everything Marvel.
JayC -
2019-07-25 @ 5:06 pm
1 hour ago, mako said:And believe me, we're all glad you're here to speak for all of us.
Just as glad I am sure as when people come on a message board with seemingly the main intent to try stir sh@t up by rehashing the same tired rhetoric even when it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. It's almost like they want to keep trying to push the limits until they get themselves banned.
12 hours ago, DylanRaven055 said:Really looking forward to see what they give us with this new Blade film. Granted Ali is a bit old, but his acting is really good. Also hope they give Snipes a cameo of some sort.
As for action figures, I wonder if Hasbro would do an entire Blade dedicated wave of ML or if they'll include the movie figures in another wave, just like with the Antman and the Wasp figures.
I mean, I'd note for the record that Chadwick Boseman is 40+ but doesn't look it. I'm sure Ali will be fine. Heck, has Sam Jackson even aged in the last 30 years?
As for any potential toy waves, I'd suspect we'd get a mixed wave of comic and movie figures, but it'd be a full wave (possibly with a human-sized BAF though). Hasbro isn't going to half-ass Blade after the response Black Panther got.
If it were me picking?
Movie Blade
Movie Villain
Movie Supporting Character (Hannibal King?)
Daimon Hellstrom
Comic Blade (Modern Long coat)
Comic Dracula (Modern Red Armor)
90's John Blaze
BAF: Zarathos (Or appropriate movie character)
Fan Channel Exclusive: Classic Blade and Classic Dracula 2-pack
Great casting decision, only wish this movie was coming out like next year. i do hope Snipes at least gets a cameo.
JayC -
2019-07-25 @ 1:13 pm
On 7/24/2019 at 8:13 AM, mako said:I'd have cast a white guy, just to see the internet REALLY lose it's collective $#!+.
Plus, after Jim, Wally and Iris West; Nick Fury, Affirmative Action Valkyrie, James Olsen, Not Mary Jane etc. it would've been great to be able to say a heart-felt "Yeah, Sucks Don't It?"
If you dont like when a company takes an established character and changes the sex or race to something else because its disrespectful to the source material then there is no way even joking you would want them to cast blade as a white guy, end of story. Anything else just comes off sounding like spiteful trolishish white guy crap trying to get a rise out of people and being disruptive to this community.
Really looking forward to see what they give us with this new Blade film. Granted Ali is a bit old, but his acting is really good. Also hope they give Snipes a cameo of some sort.
As for action figures, I wonder if Hasbro would do an entire Blade dedicated wave of ML or if they'll include the movie figures in another wave, just like with the Antman and the Wasp figures.
41 minutes ago, memocromatico said:Do you think they'll remake a classic Snipes Hasbro style?
Sadly, I doubt that would happen anytime soon. I couldn't begin to guess at the legality/rights issues at play, but more importantly it would probably be thought by execs to detract from the upcoming movie hype they'd want to create. I'm very glad I hung onto my old Toybiz one.
But, that doesn't mean they couldn't do a comic or new movie Blade in the Ultimate Riders line and go all out on the accessories like the old TB release did: bike (natch!), removable coat, shades, couple of pistols, sword, stakes, and his glaive/Blade-a-rang throwing weapon thing.
13 minutes ago, MonsterChris said:Definitely need a first appearance/classic version of the man, himself! Frankly I'd take him in the green coat or the reddish-brown coat color scheme with equal glee. We also need a new Dracula, too! Actually, Hasbro could do their own version of that old Toybiz monsters boxed set with updated Drac, Werewolf by Night, Frankenstein, and N'Kantu the Living Mummy. They'd get my money if done well.

Do you think they'll remake a classic Snipes Hasbro style?
19 minutes ago, memocromatico said:you could recommend me some Blade characters to investigate and start the hype train and wish list.
Definitely need a first appearance/classic version of the man, himself! Frankly I'd take him in the green coat or the reddish-brown coat color scheme with equal glee. We also need a new Dracula, too! Actually, Hasbro could do their own version of that old Toybiz monsters boxed set with updated Drac, Werewolf by Night, Frankenstein, and N'Kantu the Living Mummy. They'd get my money if done well.

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