Spider-Man Is Back In The MCU

by Jay Cochran
September 27, 2019
THR is reporting that Sony and Disney have come to an agreement to continue working together on one more Spider-Man which will see release in July 16, 2021.

"I am thrilled that Spidey’s journey in the MCU will continue, and I and all of us at Marvel Studios are very excited that we get to keep working on it,” said Marvel topper Kevin Feige. "Spider-Man is a powerful icon and hero whose story crosses all ages and audiences around the globe. He also happens to be the only hero with the superpower to cross cinematic universes, so as Sony continues to develop their own Spidey-verse you never know what surprises the future might hold.”

While all the specifics of the new deal have yet to be revealed, this new arrangement will also allow Spider-Man to continue to be featured in MCU movies.


Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
JayC - 2019-09-30 @ 7:35 pm
6 hours ago, mako said:

Once again, huge company . . . been making movies for decades . . . pretty much single handedly jump-started the modern superhero movie genre with THEIR version of Spider-Man. The very same genre Disney is killing with their hard-on for crap directors and frat-house comedy.

But by all means, Disney is God let us praise him at the altar of the Big Thorbowski.

I get you dont like it, but I also don't get how make these blanketing statements as if you speak for everyone or even the majority? The numbers don't match your remarks. Yeah I thought Thorbowski was hilarious as did others. Now that doesn't mean everyone did and it doesn't mean every MCU movie is great, but certainly every Disney movie has continued to perform pretty great so they must be doing something right. Again, I get you dont like them and more power to you for that, but please do us a favor and quit trying to speak for everyone or act like its just some small minority of people that likes the Disney movies. You dont like em, quit watching em but dont get mad at those who do, its ridiculous.

PedroMamprim - 2019-09-30 @ 7:02 pm
6 hours ago, mako said:

Once again, huge company . . . been making movies for decades . . . pretty much single handedly jump-started the modern superhero movie genre with THEIR version of Spider-Man. The very same genre Disney is killing with their hard-on for crap directors and frat-house comedy.

But by all means, Disney is God let us praise him at the altar of the Big Thorbowski.

This dude makes me laugh everytime.

MCU_Legend_Hunter - 2019-09-30 @ 5:40 am

I knew Sony wasn't stupid.

JayC - 2019-09-29 @ 12:08 am
On 9/27/2019 at 12:53 PM, cjflan32 said:

A little bit to be honest. I realize you and all the other Feigebots have your narratives but the truth is the Spider-Man franchise is/was not some miserable failure for Sony. The first thing all you clowns bring up with these films is box office and Venom and Spider-Verse had that.

By the way, it'd be great if you stopped pretending you have your finger on the pulse of this industry. Marvelous News, TNI, etc. are great sites, I'll give you that, but you sitting here pretending you knew this would happen all along is complete bulls***, and the people that have been here for years (at least the ones you didn't run off) know that.

LOL, it doesn't take a genius to figure out Disney needs Spider-Man and Sony needs Disney. Doesn't require inside knowledge or whatever else your rambling on about to figure that sooner or later some kind of agreement between the two would be reached, just requires paying attention to what is going on.

newcollector24680 - 2019-09-28 @ 7:30 pm

I never really believed that Spider-Man was actually leaving the MCU, I'm surprised that so many people did though.

Hai_Karate - 2019-09-28 @ 1:45 pm

So much ignorant speculation and weirdness...it doesn't take a genius to suss out what's going on here, just common sense, but that wouldn't fit certain angry pop-culture nerd-boy agendas. EDIT: That came across as an attack on all speculation and fan comments and I apologize for that. I'm just tired of the Disney hate and the lame spin constantly being espoused by a vocal minority of fan-boys who are blindly following and repeating hate rhetoric instead of thinking for themselves. People forget Sony Corp (and not just Sony Pictures) was on the ropes a few short years ago and Disney actually did them a solid with the original Spidey deal. Disney isn't evil, but they are a smart business.

Here's what happened with this whole thing: Sony approached Marvel Studios about making all Spidey-verse movies (Venom, Spider-woman, etc) moving forward & bringing it all into the MCU. Marvel Studios said, "Sounds great, but we're insanely busy and that involves a lot of work, which will cost you." I mean, if you're doing work, shouldn't you get paid for it? So, negotiations began but they never really broke down as reported. More like they were tabled due to other..."events." You see, even further behind the scenes, both Amazon and Apple (and a possible third-party)are in various stages of eyeing Sony for obvious reasons. Both want to get into the entertainment biz in a "total package" way and would love Sony Pic's ready-made distribution channels and back catalog. There are some indications that both want Sony itself and not just Sony Picture Division because it would also give them electronics manufacturing and a game platform. Anyway, that all makes sense. And maybe you all noticed that Bob Iger left Apple's Board of Directors recently... Now, the thing is, if someone were to buy Sony Pictures or Sony Corp itself, the film rights to Spidey and all related characters revert back to Marvel Studios/Disney. So, long story short, this is a quick deal just to keep the MCU's plans with Spidey humming along while that other stuff works itself out. Regardless of who gets Sony, the industry feeling is that someone WILL get them and sooner rather than later, so Marvel/Disney are playing the waiting game.

monron999 - 2019-09-28 @ 12:21 pm
5 hours ago, Benn said:

Oo! I want to guess! Was it when a bunch of MRA dudes on the internet got their feelings hurt by something Brie Larson said and decided to take it out of context,and then pretend she also said a bunch of other stuff, in the hopes of causing her movie to bomb? Because I definitely want to hear more about that very successful and not-at-all-sensitive campaign.

/passive aggressive sarcasm

Nope, it's just anything anyone says about anyone someone else might like. I'm not gonna be bated into another pointless argument just so someone can go running to daddy to tell him how muchthe badguyhurt his feelings, and then what I said be taken out of context just so he can do his internet tough guy act. That's all. Move on. I didn't know the Golden Goddess Brie Larson's lawyer was a member on these forums.

bashpics99 - 2019-09-28 @ 12:11 pm

any predictions as to what phase 4 movies Spidey might show up in? Gotta admit, i'm not seeing a great fit for him among the currently planned films. I wouldn't mind seeing him in Thor since he and Thor haven't really had any 'hang time' yet. If Doc Strange didn't already have scarlet witch, i wouldn't mind spidey showing up there as i think spidey and strange would be a fun team-up too.

tudortiger2000 - 2019-09-28 @ 7:59 am

We often forget that movie-making is a business and parties of interests (this means you Sony and Disney) try to get the best deal in any partnership. Though that's not bad, but, it's not great either for the fans to seeall theseboardroom dramas.

leokearon - 2019-09-28 @ 7:35 am

Also it seems Tom Watts is in talks to return to direct

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