For those still looking forward to the horror/comic book based New Mutants movie which was produced by 20th Century Fox before they were bought out by Disney, and has since seen multiple delays from it's original release of April 13, 2018, it looks like a new trailer for it will be released sometime next month. That at least is what the movie's director Josh Boone is telling folks when he was asked about it on
Instagraam recently.
There was a trailer and poster released back in
December 2017 for the movie which is the only real marketing push it has received since the project was initially announced.
The last we heard and we assume is still the case, the movie will now be released on April 3, 2020.

New Poster revealed
Benn -
2020-01-18 @ 3:07 am
On 1/16/2020 at 5:29 PM, mako said:WOW! That is just the most racist thing I've heard in a LOOONG time. How do you even sleep with yourself at night?
Are you serious? This is an honest question. I genuinely can't tell.
Benn -
2020-01-14 @ 2:24 pm
On 1/12/2020 at 3:38 PM, mako said:Yeah, white-washing sucks. Like when they cast Sam Jackson as Nick Fury . . . wait, no. Okay, when they cast Candace Patton as Iris We . . . no. Maybe when they cast Wally West? No? Okay, when they cast Jimmy Olsen for Superg. . . crap! Alright, for sure when they did Valkyrie for the Big Thorbowski movies . . dangit!
Hmm, I guess white-washing isn't really that big a thing.
This is a ludicrous statement. Marvel and other contemporary producers taking some care to increase diversity by updating some of their minor characters doesn't diminish how prevalent white-washing has been throughout American history, and continues to be today. Disney,and a few other companies,have been reluctantly stepping up because social awareness has been increasing,making it diminishingly profitable to hire all-white casts. In other words, people calling Hollywood on its record is having an effect. Citing those rare examples as a means to deny the problem exists is--at best--disingenuous, and--at worst--terrifyingly stupid.
Now there are rumours going around that this will be part of the MCU (at least it would be better than reverse-HOM)
22 minutes ago, mako said:Yeah, white-washing sucks. Like when they cast Sam Jackson as Nick Fury . . . wait, no. Okay, when they cast Candace Patton as Iris We . . . no. Maybe when they cast Wally West? No? Okay, when they cast Jimmy Olsen for Superg. . . crap! Alright, for sure when they did Valkyrie for the Big Thorbowski movies . . dangit!
Hmm, I guess white-washing isn't really that big a thing.
meh. when there's a shortage of white men and women in superhero movies/tv shows, let me know. Even Black Panther managed to shoehorn in a competent Everett Ross (as opposed to his comic-relief comic book counterpart), although i guess having a white woman around all those black guys was a bridge too far for marvel studios.
However, i can understand that when someone's long-time favorite comic character has their ethnicity /gender/orientation changed, it can be annoying.
To address your specific examples, i would say Jackson as Nick Fury isn't really a changedue to the Ultimates (although the less said about 616 Nick Fury Jr, the better,perhaps). And Tessa Thompson was awesome as Val, despite not being a blond nordic type...although i wouldn't be averse to Sif returning to the franchise, either. Maybe we'll get a hispanic or asian female asgardian one of these days. I washed my hands of the CW shows awhile ago, those characters are written so blandly it doesn't reallymatter what color actor portrays them, imo.
I hope Magik plays a big role costume is almost the same as the comics post AvsX
Benn -
2020-01-10 @ 12:33 am
21 minutes ago, bashpics99 said:it is strangely coincidental that it always seems to go in the 'lighter' direction, isn't it?
It sure is, at least historically. I'm glad the MCU has bucked that trend a number of times, though, and I seem to remember one of the more recent Fantastic Four movies doing the same.
On 1/6/2020 at 8:41 PM, Benn said:I mean, whitewashing is definitely an all-too-prevalent issue in Hollywood, and the actors portraying Berto and Cecilia are wayyyyy lighter-skinned than the original characters. It's encouraging, at least, though, that they (and the actor portraying Dani)are people of colour, and not just white Americans playing dress up.
This is very true, my wife likes to watch a lot of old B & W western shows and its pretty crazy seeing guys like Leonard Nimoy playing native americans. (i also think of charlton heston playing a mexican in "touch of evil"). Heck, even that "native american" crying over pollution in the famous 70s psa spot was actually italian-american (although tbf i think he convinced himself he was native american, or at least was a bit method in his acting). And of course more recently ScarJo got pilloried for portraying a (debatably) asian character, as did Emma Stone, so at least new mutants has gotten people of the correct ethnicity... i think its ok to take some poetic license as far as matching the skin tones in the comics, but it is strangely coincidental that it always seems to go in the 'lighter' direction, isn't it?
ADour -
2020-01-08 @ 1:53 am
9 minutes ago, ransomz said:So that's Disney's big promotional push, releasing a trailer? I notice the Fox name right up front but not a lot of Disney or Marvel. They don't seem to have much faith in it, or perhaps they just don't want to confuse the audience by letting anyone think this might be part of the MCU. Not much chance of that happening from the trailer.
Well, Fox's name isfront and center because the movie was made by Fox. It's like the Star Wars movies showing the Lucasfilms logo, not to mention the movie was made before the buy-out. The Marvel logo does appear 30 seconds in, and the movie's official description reads "
So that's Disney's big promotional push, releasing a trailer? I notice the Fox name right up front but not a lot of Disney or Marvel. They don't seem to have much faith in it, or perhaps they just don't want to confuse the audience by letting anyone think this might be part of the MCU. Not much chance of that happening from the trailer.
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