Christian Bale In Talks For Marvel's 'Thor: Love And Thunder'

Christian Bale In Talks For Marvel's 'Thor: Love And Thunder'

Outsiders - January 06, 2020
Christian Bale is in talks to play an undisclosed character for Marvel’s Thor: Love & Thunder which stars Natalie Portman as the first female Thor. Chris Hemsworth is set to return as Thor with Taika Waititi directing the project for Disney which opens on November 5th, 2021.

For comic book movies, Bale played Batman/Bruce Wayne in Warner Bros.’ Chistopher Nolan Dark Knight trilogy.

Source: Deadline


Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
silverback - 2020-01-08 @ 2:41 pm
21 hours ago, tarot said:

who do you think voices Groot?

Vin Diesel.

Lord_Scareglow - 2020-01-07 @ 10:25 pm

I dunno sure, I'm down for whatever, maybe as Cul Borson? , I don't know how he'd work into the story, but you know they can tweak anything.. as people said maybe as Beta Ray's voice.. sure cool

just don't do that Batman voice again

SpiderS - 2020-01-07 @ 9:21 pm

Now that sounds interesting, even thoughit seems like Bale justwants some spotlight and easy money for relatively stress free work as supporting character. But I think hes going to be MainVillain, who is Uber op.

monron999 - 2020-01-07 @ 8:13 pm
2 hours ago, memocromatico said:

He can voice more characters if required, that's the beauty of voice acting, he could even appear as a human character too. Sean Gunn does mocap for Rocket and plays Kraglin. Taika directs, mocaps and voices Korg. Cumberbatch was both Strange and Dormammu.

I wouldn't be too opposed to Vin Diesel, but I think he'shard enough to understand if you can actually see his mouth which makes itfortunate that he only has one line as Groot. I think a soft spoken, yet gruff voice would be much better, like Jason Statham maybe, not some soft spoken guy trying to project a gruff voice like Bale did with Batman.

leokearon - 2020-01-07 @ 6:11 pm
3 hours ago, monron999 said:

I think the popular theory is that he's going to voice the mostly CGI Beta Ray Bill, which would be a real kick in the cubes cuz the only thing I can think of worse than The Dark Knight voicing BRB would be if Taika Waititi himself did it. "Aye Main, we'aah gonna tyke ah roid on thait beeg ship. Wanna comb? Breeng tha hammahs."

Reminds me of Bill's Orish accent in the Silver Surfer cartoon

memocromatico - 2020-01-07 @ 6:05 pm
32 minutes ago, tarot said:

who do you think voices Groot?

He can voice more characters if required, that's the beauty of voice acting, he could even appear as a human character too. Sean Gunn does mocap for Rocket and plays Kraglin. Taika directs, mocaps and voices Korg. Cumberbatch was both Strange and Dormammu.

tarot - 2020-01-07 @ 5:30 pm
30 minutes ago, silverback said:

I thought Vin Diesel was doing the voice for Beta Ray Bill?

who do you think voices Groot?

silverback - 2020-01-07 @ 4:59 pm

I thought Vin Diesel was doing the voice for Beta Ray Bill?

monron999 - 2020-01-07 @ 4:06 pm
19 minutes ago, mako said:

I REALLY wish I could find fault in Christian Bale appearing in this movie, but I can't. I never thought such a thing could be possible, but ever since Talking Wasabi took over the series, the Thor movies have reached the schlock equivalent of terminal velocity. They literally cannot do anything to these movies that would make them any worse than they've already become.

Love and Thunder could be filmed as a musical K-Pop Porno and still not be any worse than Ragnarok or 70% of Endgame.

Lol. Really bro, Endgame was that bad? I just don't see it, but I think my viewpointmay be a little different than yours. Agreed that it wasn't worthy of all the critical acclaim that it received as far as overall story quality, but as it compares to the majority of "Superhero" movies it is top notch (ref. Hellboy or Ghost in a Shell). So am I wrong to assume your favorite part of the movie was the tremendous, amazing, totally relevant,totally well placed and timely "Girl Power" scene?

monron999 - 2020-01-07 @ 2:36 pm

I think the popular theory is that he's going to voice the mostly CGI Beta Ray Bill, which would be a real kick in the cubes cuz the only thing I can think of worse than The Dark Knight voicing BRB would be if Taika Waititi himself did it. "Aye Main, we'aah gonna tyke ah roid on thait beeg ship. Wanna comb? Breeng tha hammahs."

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