It's being reported by
Variety that
Alfred Molina who played
Doc Ock in the original
Tobey MaGuire Spider-Man 2 movie will be returning Tom Holland Spider-Man 3 movie from Sony.
It's been previously reported that Jamie Foxx from the Andrew Garfield “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” movie will also be in this on reprising his role as Electro. Benedict Cumberbatch is also appearing in the movie as Doctor Strange.
All this continues to seemingly point to a Multiverse stroyline. The movie is slated for release on December 17, 2021.
I loved Alfred Molina's Octopus. I'm sure I will enjoy this as much as I enjoyed reading the spider-verse.On a side note, I still have to see the animated Spider verse.The main reason is the graphic style and the animation frame rate that turned me off when I saw the trailer.Maybe one day I'll give it a chance ?
2 hours ago, MagnaPrime said:Honestly,not a fan of the spider verse idea. But molina was an amazing doc ock and so I'm willing to give it a shot.
pretty much the same boat im in
Honestly,not a fan of the spider verse idea. But molina was an amazing doc ock and so I'm willing to give it a shot.
9 hours ago, michiganjfrog said:the multiverse is a mixed bag for me. the thing i like most about the MCU is how it takes the best parts of the comic history and different universes and simplifies it down to a degree and combines it into one over arching story and it avoid the retcons and messy historyand that comes with being a comic book reader and fan.
but on the other hand its hard to have a shared universe of comic book films and series that doesntaddress the multiverse sooner or later, i get that they need new visions and new ideas, but i guess i wonder how it will affect the universe going forward? the last thing i would want to see is characters casually jumping from one universe to another likeon the CW dc shows lol
What if will be addressing the multiverse of there isn't much of a need for the live action films to go into it apart from fan service.
the multiverse is a mixed bag for me. the thing i like most about the MCU is how it takes the best parts of the comic history and different universes and simplifies it down to a degree and combines it into one over arching story and it avoid the retcons and messy historyand that comes with being a comic book reader and fan.
but on the other hand its hard to have a shared universe of comic book films and series that doesntaddress the multiverse sooner or later, i get that they need new visions and new ideas, but i guess i wonder how it will affect the universe going forward? the last thing i would want to see is characters casually jumping from one universe to another likeon the CW dc shows lol
24 minutes ago, Atlantis said:I doubt that the studiohas thewriting skill to cohesively bring all these actors into a decent story. Their main drive is profit, and they think fans will just wet themselves and line up in droves to see this thing, and they probably will-in that first week.
But after the word gets out about how shoddy it is, and that these guys are only in there for cameo/walk on roles, theyre gonna be looking at a box office and critical flop. And with the mentality these days, I fear there will be fallout that's just going to hurt the overall Spider-Man universe.
Now, I say this Today. Ifthey can pull it off, I'll be the first to give them a standing ovation.
A flop? A SPIDERMAN movie, by Disney in this day of age a flop? I just can't see that happening. I wouldbe surprisedif it doesn't reach where its predecessors have reached, I expect it to surpass them and then some (still in pandemic times so we just dont know how life would look by that time, saying this assuming the situation improves). Even if people think their are too many characters and subplots that this movie "won't be cohesive" or "the main spiderman (Tom Holland) won't get enough this" (just general complaints Ihave heard from people) the casual viewer doesn'tcare and will give their money to see this. Personally, the last two spiderman films have been pretty damn good. So, I expect this one to be great, I have faith in Marvel. Btw ur points would be understandable if this wasn't a notorious character like spiderman.Example Shang Chiand the Eternals, if people think those can turn out to be flops understandable but I think those will work out as well.
1 hour ago, bashpics99 said:..."I tend to agree, feels like sony execs were like "hey, animated spider-verse worked so let's do it with the live-action version!" ....Hopefully the appearances by other heroes and villains will mostly be cameos, otherwise they better have one helluva script to make this work..."
I doubt that the studiohas thewriting skill to cohesively bring all these actors into a decent story. Their main drive is profit, and they think fans will just wet themselves and line up in droves to see this thing, and they probably will-in that first week.
But after the word gets out about how shoddy it is, and that these guys are only in there for cameo/walk on roles, theyre gonna be looking at a box office and critical flop. And with the mentality these days, I fear there will be fallout that's just going to hurt the overall Spider-Man universe.
Now, I say this Today. Ifthey can pull it off, I'll be the first to give them a standing ovation.
1 hour ago, Brenttoo said:I hate hate hate HATEthis. I can't begin to describe how much I hate this. This is SO unnecessary and SUCH a disservice to all the work the MCU has done to setting up its tone and logic. I would expect all this from a Dr. Strange movie because his whole thing is jumping around other realities, but dragging Spiderman into this is just so awkward and cheap. If they REALLY had to introduce the stupid Multiverse, they could at least cast other Peter Parkers we hadn't seen before to really add to the mystery of it, but instead they're dragging in previous actors for NO other reason than to have two seconds of recognition and excitement from the audience before the story nosedives into campy fantastical BS.
I'd hoped that the way they handled Evan Peters in WandaVision (much to many people'sdisappointment but to my delight) would indicate how they'd actually handle something like this, but I'm afraid all these stupid fan posters I'm seeing with Maguire, Garfield, and Molina popping through Sling Ring portals is actually going to influence the creators into thinking this is worth doing. It's going to put a permanent stain on the way they've told their stories so far in the MCU and again, I hate it.
I tend to agree, feels like sony execs were like "hey, animated spider-verse worked so let's do it with the live-action version!" when nobody was really asking to see the tom holland version interact with the garfield or maguire spideys. I'll wait and see and try and be cautiously optimistic but imo all it will do is dredge up any negative feelings people have towards either of the prior versions and tinge the new spidey by association. for the record, i liked the maguire movies for the most part but the garfield movies were a big disappointment to me (especially the 2nd one). Hopefully the appearances by other heroes and villains will mostly be cameos, otherwise they better have one helluva script to make this work.
I hate hate hate HATEthis. I can't begin to describe how much I hate this. This is SO unnecessary and SUCH a disservice to all the work the MCU has done to setting up its tone and logic. I would expect all this from a Dr. Strange movie because his whole thing is jumping around other realities, but dragging Spiderman into this is just so awkward and cheap. If they REALLY had to introduce the stupid Multiverse, they could at least cast other Peter Parkers we hadn't seen before to really add to the mystery of it, but instead they're dragging in previous actors for NO other reason than to have two seconds of recognition and excitement from the audience before the story nosedives into campy fantastical BS.
I'd hoped that the way they handled Evan Peters in WandaVision (much to many people'sdisappointment but to my delight) would indicate how they'd actually handle something like this, but I'm afraid all these stupid fan posters I'm seeing with Maguire, Garfield, and Molina popping through Sling Ring portals is actually going to influence the creators into thinking this is worth doing. It's going to put a permanent stain on the way they've told their stories so far in the MCU and again, I hate it.
This is no big surprise. Typical Disney collusion. Much like other MCU projects, insider leaks will report that certain actors or personalities have been tapped to play roles in a movie or show and both the actors and Disney will deny or deflect until the cows come home. Recent reports are supposedly confirmingother rumors about Toby McGuire and Willem DeFoe and Jamie Fox, which does lead to the entire multiverse/merging of worlds theory many online personalities are pushing. I personally think it's looking like a total cluster fook, but if we know anything about Feige, he somehow makes it work. And he's got his work cut out for him with this one.
I'm thinking the story is going to be set up as somehow between opening up the Quantum Zone and Scarlet Witches ability to twist reality, the multiple universes are gonna cross over and much like the Marvel Comics event from many years ago, certain characters will cross with their counterparts and only one will be allowed to survive. I expect that many of the older versions of characters will make the ultimate sacrifice. Maybe this is even the way bring Osborne into the MCU as there's never been seen in the MCU before. I think they've hinted at Oscorp, but for all we know, the MCU Osborne might be dead. The could also use it to bring Doc Ock and Electro to the MCU to help round out the Sinisters Six without having to actually dedicate a film to "remake" those characters.
Theoretically this could also be done to introduce some X-Men, more specifically Wolverine, into the MCU. Hugh Jackman can reprise the role as Old Man Logan and come across the breach and somehow coax the MCU Logan out who has been in hiding as Patch in the newly introduced city of Madripoor. Not acting as a hero and having no real reason to involve himself in the goings on of the Infinity Saga he just kinda lived (or reappeared) through the Blip. Old Man Logan will confront him or expose him and voila, Wolverine in the MCU. Of course, Jackman's Wolvie would either die or merge with this one, but whatever. Just make it a good story and don't skimp out on the details and the real fans will all come along for the ride.
I always thought Time Travel and Multiverse plots were just BS ways of drumming up interest when all the good ideas are gone, but in this case I think it's a decent way to merge the three major Marvel based movie universes together.
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