ADour - 2021-06-12 @ 7:26 pm
1 hour ago, RyanDaly said:I like the sound of this, but I wish the cast included more supernatural characters than just Wanda and Blade. Yeah, yeah, I get why Marvel would shove Spider-Man and Iron Man into the miniseries, but why not Man-Thing, or N'Kantu the Living Mummy or Satana? I like thecrapshoot vibe of the team, with Blade being the only one somewhat tangentially in his element. Iron Man vs. magic is always a fun combo.
1 hour ago, RyanDaly said:I like the sound of this, but I wish the cast included more supernatural characters than just Wanda and Blade. Yeah, yeah, I get why Marvel would shove Spider-Man and Iron Man into the miniseries, but why not Man-Thing, or N'Kantu the Living Mummy or Satana? I'm surprised Brother Voodoo isn't in it given he and Wanda are supposed to be dating. Similarly where are Wanda's friend and family like Carol, Monica, Pietro, Vision, etc. Yeah, Jan is there and to an extent Tony but the others seem random
I like the sound of this, but I wish the cast included more supernatural characters than just Wanda and Blade. Yeah, yeah, I get why Marvel would shove Spider-Man and Iron Man into the miniseries, but why not Man-Thing, or N'Kantu the Living Mummy or Satana?
21 minutes ago, ADour said:Based on what the press release says, I don't see any reason to worry. The premise puts her in the place of the big hero of the story. Let's just say I have little faith in the comics to do Wanda justice. Especially recently. ADour - 2021-06-12 @ 4:46 pm
9 hours ago, leokearon said:Hopefully this will portray Wanda in a positive light but I'm not hopefully Based on what the press release says, I don't see any reason to worry. The premise puts her in the place of the big hero of the story.
Hopefully this will portray Wanda in a positive light but I'm not hopefully
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