I'll take any Jean they make. This was the costume she wore during Inferno and while there was the "Outback Team" so I'd not say no to it....provided we get Beast in his brown costume right?
Never a fan of Jean's X-Factor costume, though it would og nice with my X-Factor Scott
5 hours ago, enzosaurusrex said:I need this X-Factor Jean in ML form. I wish Hasbro would give us the full original X-Factor team. That's the only X-book I ever went completely nuts over and would love the whole team. I especially want a deluxe Angel with interchangeable wings or the backpack he wore to hide them.
I need this X-Factor Jean in ML form.
The funny part is the drawing has DC Colectibles (Some Mattel DC Line)articulations hahaha
I hate these covers. Don't get me wrong, they look good. It's just when I see them, and they're usually based on figures Hasbro hasn't done, it makes me want to want them that much more. Before I saw this I never really cared if we got figures based on the original X-Factor, but seeing this puts it into the want column. C'mon Hasbro, just do a box set. tarot - 2021-06-17 @ 8:53 pm
dman I would bypass all the jim lee retro if it meant getting this in a figure form.
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