2009 SDCC Preview Night: Marvel Universe Iron Man Series

2009 SDCC Preview Night: Marvel Universe Iron Man Series

Outsiders - July 22, 2009
Preview Night continues with the Marvel Universe Iron Man series. The movie figures in 3 3/4" scale and there will be more 6" figures but none where shown tonight. We will have images of these figures as soon as possible so keep checking back for more.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Dethgoblin - 2009-07-25 @ 5:55 pm

Im gonna set up the desert scene with the mark one and some gi joes!

WindsofHorus - 2009-07-23 @ 6:45 pm

OH yea almost forgot, The armors in between the Mark I and Mark III, Mark II and Mark I, and Mark III and Iron Monger are based off Concept art done for the first movie. You can see them here


WindsofHorus - 2009-07-23 @ 6:38 pm

I'm getting all of these. Also, check out the New Movie Armor with the Triangular Chest Beam!!!

tarot - 2009-07-23 @ 1:23 pm

I don't care bout the Movie figure or Animated one.

But that Comic box set (Im only guessing it a box set) is frecking awesome .

FA Iron Man is so much better and accurate then the ML version. (well according to Extremis anyway.)

Crismon Dynamo War Machine nuff said.

This is what the third time they released this Iron man. They could have at least given us a Neo Classic or Modular version.

Cobra Command - 2009-07-23 @ 12:44 pm

Man, these all look amazing! I'm gonna buy the heck out of all of those, waaaaay better than the previous offerings. Nice and thick the way they should be!

RodimusVTS - 2009-07-23 @ 12:25 pm
Who's the weird lookin' guy in the baby blue armor?

Judging by the design of the chest I'd have to say it's one of Tony's specialty armors. What exactly it's specialty is I'm not sure. Maybe aquatic?

miked - 2009-07-23 @ 12:15 pm

Who's the weird lookin' guy in the baby blue armor?

RodimusVTS - 2009-07-23 @ 12:11 pm

More 4" Ironman armors for the armory OH HELL YEAHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4" Warmachine!?!? Cool so I don't have t customize one.

uberlad - 2009-07-23 @ 9:59 am
I didn't notice the price tag. I was really wanting that to be a 4 inch figure, damn it. I hope they make a Maskless Iron Man with Robert Downey Jr.'s Head. Oh man...how about a Tony Stark in a suit and tie?

I would love to see a suit/tie figure finally hit retail. they could use the destro suit mold with a new head sculpt, and it would be just that easy. i'm basically looking for any which way to make an extensive enterprise tomax and xamot!

i'm really happy to see the marvel movie figures all moving to the 4 inch scale. 4 inches is the new 6!

Riddick - 2009-07-23 @ 5:16 am

It looks just like the series one Iron Man


I bought it about a year ago, it's pretty decent.

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