The third show in the Defenders series to launch on Netflix, will premiere globally on September 30, 2016 at 12:01am PT. The series follows the launches of Marvel's Daredevil and Marvel's Jessica Jones, and leads up to the future release of Marvel's Iron Fist, and ultimately, Marvel's The Defenders.
In this groundbreaking new series, audiences will witness the evolution of Luke Cage (previously introduced in Marvel's Jessica Jones) after he has relocated to Harlem and is in the process of picking up the pieces following his failed relationship with Jessica Jones. Like the preceding Marvel series on Netflix, Marvel's Luke Cage is a gritty, action-packed drama, grounded in the real world with heroes who focus on saving their neighborhood and have their feet firmly planted on the ground.
After a sabotaged experiment leaves him with super strength and unbreakable skin, Luke Cage (Mike Colter) becomes a fugitive trying to rebuild his life in modern day Harlem, New York City. But he is soon pulled out of the shadows and must fight a battle for the heart of his city - forcing him to confront a past he had tried to bury.
Mike Colter plays the charismatic lead character, Luke Cage and is joined by Mahershala Ali (Cornell "Cottonmouth" Stokes), Alfre Woodard (Mariah Dillard), Simone Missick (Misty Knight), Theo Rossi (Shades), Frank Whaley (Rafael Scarfe) and Rosario Dawson (Claire Temple).
Marvel's Luke Cage is Executive Produced by series Showrunner Cheo Hodari Coker (SouthLAnd, Ray Donovan), Charles Murray (Roots) and Jeph Loeb (Marvel's Daredevil, Marvel's Jessica Jones), who also serves as Marvel's Head of Television.
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