This Marvelous Customs were done by
MintCondition who has created a custom 6" X3 Angel in X-Men uniform figure.
Here is how MintCondition describes the making of this figure:
This one was a fun, but very challenging custom to make. Angel here was made from the body of an X2 Movie Cyclops, the head from a movie Blackheart, the neck from a movie Punisher, and the wings from a DC Universe Hawkman figure.
The first step was taking out Cyclops' head. To do this, I had to crack open the torso and remove not only the head, but also the wiring inside that made Cyclops' visor light up. Then I put it all back together, only now with a movie Punisher neck in place.
Then I added the wings. To do this, I had to strategically cut the wings from the back of Hawkman, and bore out a groove in the back of the Cyclops body for them fit snugly in. Then, with a combination of apoxie and krazy glue, I got them to fit and stay in place. Then I went to work drybrushing several layers of white over the wings, making sure to make them white, but not so white that you couldn't see all the feather detail in them. That was important to me. Also, it made it look more realistic. If it was completely white, it would have looked fake.
Next was the head. Ah, the head. I had to add a lot to Blackheart's head to make it look like Ben Foster. First, I sanded off Blackheart's side burns, and sanded down the cheeks a bit to make them look a tad more bony. Then, I used apoxie to sculpt on Angel's pompadour, and even added apoxie to the cheeks and chin (Ben Foster has a surprisingly long chin). Then I painted the hair yellow with some brown drybrushing, and painted the face a good flesh tone, and painted the neck to match.
After that, I went over all the lining (ALL THE LINING) on the uniform with white to make it unique to Angel. And there you have it. Best of all, the figure and wings retain all original articulation. You couldn't ask for better wings for an Angel figure.
Note: The last photo was taken to show off his incredible wingspan. It's so big that I had to pull the camera out so far you see the edges of the light studio I use.
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