Let’s be honest, since Marvel Universe began the top three overdone characters are Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Wolverine. All three of these characters have been repainted and remolded to the point that when a new version is announced you can literally hear the groans over the internet. Yet here we are looking at yet another Wolverine figure. Sadly even though I am tired of seeing Wolverine over and over again, I have to say this is the best Wolverine to date from Hasbro and with as many attempts Hasbro has made at the character that is saying a great deal.
I really like Wolverine but I often try to revert to back to before his origin was spoiled. I can still remember those mystery man days and it’s not that the mystery is over, but rather the mystery’s answer wasn’t satisfactory. I know you can’t please everyone, but implanted memories and much of the history of Wolverine doesn’t live up to his stature in my opinion.
Still this is Wolverine’s latest costume, and to be honest I was going to pass it up. I was convinced to grab it when I got the X-Force version from the X-Force team pack. It’s a great mold and looks even better in more traditional Wolverine colors.
It’s very hard to think of anything new to say, I went over the mold with the X-Force review. The paint is great and is very reminiscent of his original appearance while being updated enough to clearly make it a new outfit.
So while the abundance of Wolverine figures might be too much for some, this one is one of those figures that will make you wonder why Hasbro didn’t do it in the first place, and then you will realize that if Hasbro had done it first there would be no reason to buy any others.
A great version of a great character, Wolverine is a must have for a collection and if I were to have to recommend one, it would be this version, so go out and get him HURRY.
Astonishing Wolverine: 5 Stars