Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors premiered during the weekend of New York Comic Con 2018. The show is a continuation of the six Marvel Rising: Initiation animated shorts that launched this summer. The show features Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, Patriot, Quake, Inferno, America Chavez, and more. The show is now the Disney Channel and Disney XD.
"When a threat no one could have expected bears down on the Marvel Universe, this ragtag, untrained band of teens have no choice but to rise together and prove to the world that sometimes the difference between a 'hero' and 'misfit' is just in the name."
Secret Warriors focuses on a new team of diverse younger heroes. It introduces some of the lesser known characters within the Marvel Universe to a larger audience. Of course with great writing and animation comes great marketable products! In comes Hasbro!
Hasbro has launched a full line of Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors figures, accessories, and costumes. My five year old daughter actually schooled me on the animated and some of the products. She even almost changed her Halloween costume to one of the new Ghost-Spider costumes.
Recently Hasbro Pulse sent over a very cool box filled with Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors products. As the Holiday season approaches I’d definitely recommend these for any children who love Superheroes or Barbie style figures.
Hasbro has released a basic (Training Outfit) assortment with limited articulation; Secret Warriors assortment with more articulation and accessories; Secret Identity assortment with more articulation, accessories and outfits; Ghost-Spider Web Slinger; Marvel Rising Dress Up Sets; and Walkie Talkies. Products ranging from $12.99 to $29.99.
The show and the products focus heavily on strong female characters as well as a good mixture of minority characters. My daughter loves Kamala Khan’s Ms. Marvel but equally loves Ghost-Spider (or as I know her in the comics as Spider-Gwen) and Squirrel Girl. Being the father of a smart 5 year old girl, I definitely believe in strong positive female characters and I love to see characters that she can relate to. One character I’m excited to see is Riri Williams’s Ironheart introduced into the series and look forward to seeing a figure of the character.
Check out my video reviews and image gallery below.
Funny, I thought Squirrel Girl was one of the characters we needed MOST in Marvel Legends. She along with Quake has been on a lot of peoples "want lists" for a long time.
She definitely is. She's been in the official Marvel Legends top 10 results that Fwoosh does the last few years. She's one of those characters that has to be coming sooner or later.
Wow. There is a lot of hate out there forSquirrel Girl. I would love to have her in my collection. I like putting a little fun in the mix like Deadpool in his underware. I think Squirrel Girl would be an awesome addition.
I'll be curious to see if with the Fox Merger happening they start to filter X-Characters into lines like these. X-23 seems like she'd be a perfect fit here. Also Nico Minoru, RiRi Williams (who I guess has already been introduced?) and Kate Bishop. And maybe She-Hulk as another grown-up character like Carol.
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