I have the BAF Blob and he is good enough. The side-by-side picture is nice though. The BAF is a little on the "realistic" side, with all the rolls and cottage cheese. The deluxe, actually looks nicer, with the smooth features. I'm sure the articulation is better, too. I hated those days with Hasbro. They've improved a lot over the years.
On 2/14/2023 at 5:17 AM, The Mad Bubbler said:Annihilus REALLY needs an update- the BAF is just... odd. The sculpt, the textures of it, it just doesn't look right.
I like the BAF Anniihilus, so if there is a new one down the line, that will be money saved
On 2/12/2023 at 4:23 PM, JayC said:Both Blobs are actually Hasbro figures not Toy Biz. While there are things about the new figure that are better than the older one, if I had the old BAF one I doubt the improvements would be enough to warrant buying him again. Now because I didnt have the old one this was more than a welcome purchase for me.
Yeah, that's why I said Hasbro basically got the "W" over on itself. I know Hasbro did produce the first one, but if I'm not mistaken, I think I either read or watched an article way back when, possibly with Jesse Falcon, that the design of both Blob and She-Hulk (and one more, I think) were designs done for and under Toybiz that they hadn't executed before Hasbro bought the license. I'm almost certain of that, but you might have a bit more insight on that than I. Either way, I just don't like they way Sharty so distinctly wrote this figure off as more or less unnecessary. A lot of people rely a lot in what he has to say (for better or worse) and it could influence how well this figure does and how Hasbro approaches figures like this in the future. Now, I'm not some honk for Hasbro. In fact, I'm as hard on them as anyone, that's for certain, but to take a figure that so many of us have been asking to be redone (Sharty included) and just blow it of as, "Eh, it's okay, but if you have the old one, maybe don't bother", is just disingenuous. Could it be bigger? Yes. Could he have benefited from a "squishy belly"? Yes. But is it better? Hell yes. I know Sharty tries to play the old "Fair and Impartial" card, but he does play favorites too, but if he woulda just left it at "Hey, it is a better figure, but a bit on the pricey side and if you don't really need it or are not cool with the price you might pass.", that would have been okay. It's a slight nuance, I know, but it is one that can/will affect the way it is perceived by the fandom and it could affect the way it sells. Maybe I'm giving Sharty more influence credit than he deserves, but I want this thing to do well and I want to see other figures, such as the aforementioned She-Hulk in her lavender and white track suit to be redone as well.
I have the older one and I did/do still like it, and as the only one available at the time I was cool with it, and if they had never updated it I'd still be cool with it, but now that it's updated, and it is clearly better, I really like it and want it. Now, if I couldn't budget it into my expenses I'd still want it, but make due with the old one, but in now way would I convince myself that the old one is as good as this one, especially in the way that it looks with today's modern ML. I know you said you would probably be happy with the old one if you had it as well, but I would bargain that if you did have it and this one came out you would indeed decide to pull the trigger and level up to this one for the very reasons you said in your own review. Firstly the very dated ball joints of the first one are very, very bad, and the new ones look much better and are just as functional. Secondly, this figure looks much more comic accurate, it just looks better. The folds and creases in the old one are beyond excessive and they just went way overboard and it looks very little like any Blob I ever saw in the comics. Lastly, just standing next to the current ML the old one is just painfully dated. It is basically a Toybiz figure standing among Hasbro's post Infinite figures. It just don't fit.
On 2/12/2023 at 10:23 PM, JayC said:Both Blobs are actually Hasbro figures not Toy Biz. While there are things about the new figure that are better than the older one, if I had the old BAF one I doubt the improvements would be enough to warrant buying him again. Now because I didnt have the old one this was more than a welcome purchase for me.
Exactly, if you are happy with a previous version of a character and you don't want to get the newer version, then you don't have to get it.
On 2/12/2023 at 11:12 AM, The Mad Bubbler said:The BAF was an older Hasbro BAF, but, yeah, I definitely agree with your points. The BAF is kind of exaggerated... cartoonishly grotesque. The massive amount of folds, the dark speckles in the skin... even without factoring in the weird look of the articulation, the new figure is definitely truer to the classic comic look of The Blob.
Thank you for the correction. He is indeed from Hasbros "dark days" when they first took over the license.
As thrilled as I am today with Hasbros output overall, when they first got thr Legends license I was less than excited. The odd bodies that didn't really fit in with previous offerings ( WWII Cap and Bucky, Hydra goons, Namor) to odd articulation ( Black Knight) I was kinda bummed.. the only hold overs from that era for me are the Black Knight (as long as he is standing straight up the articulation isn't a problem) and Hercules, though if Hasbro ever does a redo on either they both go straight to storage
On 2/12/2023 at 2:26 AM, monron999 said:Right there with ya, bub. The biggest part I hate about this review is when he says the people who own the old BAF (which I do) will still be cool with it versus this one (which I definitely ain't). He"s wrong, one hunert percent, I even blasted on his Youtube channel. The last one was good for it's time, but how anyone can compare the two and say they are good with the old one is just fooling themselves. And I know, it might be an issue with the price, and it is a bit steep, but if you can work it into your budget this is the Blob for you. This is another major "W" for Hasbro (over itself, mind you), and this IS the superior Blob figure, hands down.
Both Blobs are actually Hasbro figures not Toy Biz. While there are things about the new figure that are better than the older one, if I had the old BAF one I doubt the improvements would be enough to warrant buying him again. Now because I didnt have the old one this was more than a welcome purchase for me.
Want to point out as well that I love when Hasbro completes teams. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants isn't a team I'll assemble but the pics showing them all together looks fantastic, even if they are pulled from different eras.
It has taken some time ( and there are still a few key players missing) but this team is shaping up nicely