UPDATE: Some scans of a retail catalog giving us our first look at the Hellicarrier and Quinjet have hit the net. The scans are small but still gives us a good first look at what to expect. There is also some more descriptions revealed. Check them out below.
We do have a confirmation as well as a verbal description of a new Avengers Movie based Quinjet (
Which we first told you about a few months ago) and a new 3 feet long Shield Hellicarrier toy. Thanks to Dark Horse who posted the following information over on
The Red Shadows message board.
The Justice jet gets an IM style repaint, there's a new Cap vehicle that looked like a small tank with wheels, the Quinjet and the HELICARRIER!
Helicarrier is three feet long, has the usual firing missiles. Looks pretty good but is only big enough for the Quinjet to fit on it's runway. The Quinjet is pretty big. Only one figure can fit in the cockpit but it has other opening panels and stuff. There were no new Avengers figures apart from what has already been seen.
Hellicarrier: The biggest ever Marvel vehicle of 3ft. Comes with Captain America figure and features 4 firing projectile deck cannons.
Quinjet: The 'Quin' tessential Avengers vehicle. This flying fortress can convert to battle mode and take the Avengers into the fight with plenty of firing projectiles and play features - like a sky cycle. Includes a Iron Man figure.
I was hoping for MU figure sightings, though. These Avengers toys don't really count as figure sightings in my book--I mean, of course they're new figures, but they're not ones I'm hoping to see. I'll be picking up the Ultimates figures just because they're Ultimates figures, even though the design of the figures is sadly lacking. But as for the rest of this Avengers line, bleh. I was hoping there'd be MU figures on display, or pictures of the Inhumans or Black Knight or any of those things we've had teased but haven't exactly seen yet. Or a Nova figure on display. Something.Thanks for providing the rundown that you did though, IrrepressibleDarkHorse.
They are probably holding onto those for New York toy fair.
Nothing new on the Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat front Dark Horse?
so much crap in this line. I think the only thing I do really like is the IM mech suit
I was hoping for MU figure sightings, though. These Avengers toys don't really count as figure sightings in my book--I mean, of course they're new figures, but they're not ones I'm hoping to see. I'll be picking up the Ultimates figures just because they're Ultimates figures, even though the design of the figures is sadly lacking. But as for the rest of this Avengers line, bleh. I was hoping there'd be MU figures on display, or pictures of the Inhumans or Black Knight or any of those things we've had teased but haven't exactly seen yet. Or a Nova figure on display. Something.
Thanks for providing the rundown that you did though, IrrepressibleDarkHorse.
Yes, all that work on the "scale" of the picture is interesting except for the angle of the picture isn't taken into account. Since the rear of the carrier is pointing away from us, if it is indeed 3 ft long, then a MU figure lying on its side would be about 50% bigger towards the front of the ship than it is towards the back. Obviously the figure doesn't change size, but it appears to do so. Keeping the figure the same size across the carrier is like the trick to make it look like you're holding the moon in your hands in a picture. Foreshortening.Still a neat little experiment. You just have to realize it's not completely accurate. Besides, with a promo pic like that, thy probably took the picture of Cap separate from the pic of the carrier and then shooped 'em together.
Yeah you might be right about the angle, but I figured since it was't a really sharp angle it might work. IDH, it really didn't take much time to do those comparisons. About 5 minutes or so. It took much longer to make the .GIF in my sig.
3ft = 2 inches shy of two MU Galactus's laid out head- to-toe
So the Hellicarrier is twice as long as MU's previous biggest figure.
Any figure sightings at UK Toyfair? I heard something about new Spider-man figures being repaints of old Spider-man figures, but only vehicle pictures appear so far...
Yep, click the link and read the article, mate. ;)
Yes, all that work on the "scale" of the picture is interesting except for the angle of the picture isn't taken into account. Since the rear of the carrier is pointing away from us, if it is indeed 3 ft long, then a MU figure lying on its side would be about 50% bigger towards the front of the ship than it is towards the back. Obviously the figure doesn't change size, but it appears to do so. Keeping the figure the same size across the carrier is like the trick to make it look like you're holding the moon in your hands in a picture. Foreshortening.
Still a neat little experiment. You just have to realize it's not completely accurate. Besides, with a promo pic like that, thy probably took the picture of Cap separate from the pic of the carrier and then shooped 'em together.
Any figure sightings at UK Toyfair? I heard something about new Spider-man figures being repaints of old Spider-man figures, but only vehicle pictures appear so far...
The Quinjet has been bugging me, it looked fimilar but I couldn't place it but someone on Twitter pointed it out, it's the GI Joe canceled Sigma Six Thunderwing (for the 2 inch figs), they clearly retooled it for the larger ones, but man now I really feel slighted. Photo from Joe battlelines

Yeah, the Quinjet pretty much takes up the entire runway. The Helicarrier looks kinda just like a launcher when the QJ is docked. The pic is pretty accurate for scale, the prongs at the front of the carrier add 6" of the 3'. :-(
I really don't think the original pic IS accurately scaled, and IF my comparison is right then the prongs are about 8" long (probably to support the Quinjet):
Ok I got curious as to how big the Helicarrier will be. So guessing that the Cap fig will be 4" I figured up that it should be 9 Cap figures long. The picture of the Helicarrier is only 7 cap figures long. Here's the comparisons:Original pic:
Wish the Helicarrier had side thrusters, but I'm still getting one. At full price. Which is probably easily $100.
I totally forgot about Dave's SHIELD car. I guess a flying car doesn't play prominently in the movie. Where is that thing? Hopefully all the SHIELD Quinjets sell through and they repaint it with Avengers logo. And the success of the Avengers vehicles might help us get MU vehicles (needed!)
The Helicarrier has 4 side thrusters on the rear 1/2, and if you save the pic of the quin jet to your PC, and zoom in you'll see the good 'ol Avengers logo on the right wing. Also did anyone else notice that the Avengers version of the Cap jet is in that catalog?
I just wish there was more height to the Helicarrier. Maybe it has some sort of fold out feature.
Mate, you do realise I was there, yeah? I picked it up and played with it.
No actually I didn't realize that. So then Cap is taller than that "tower" on top? Is there any fold out base feature that MIGHT save this thing like the PITT had?
Though I'm still not sure that the pic is scaled right. IF it is then the thing is only 2'4" including the "prongs" unless the Cap is 5.14" tall.
The way I figured that is: 3x12=36" then I divided that by 4 since the Hasbro Marvel figs are 4", and got 9. Which is why the larger one has 9 Cap figs lined up w/ it. If the pic is scaled right, and is only 7 Caps long then the Cap fig is 5.14" tall because 36 divided by 7 is 5.14 not 4, or the Helicarrier is only 2'4" long since 4"x7=2'4". The pic is close mind you. Just close enough to LOOK almost right, but I really don't think it is quite right. Gotta love math (though I hated it back in school I'm glad I still paid attention now.)
Lol, you have waaaaaay too much time on your hands mate. You're not taking into account the perspective of the pic. Anyway, I'm not going to argue. I've seen the thing in real life and I played with it, you haven't. The pic is close enough to be ok.
Not in the pic are the gunner chairs that fit on the side. I can see why they took them off for the pic. They look retarded. Like baby swings lol.
sorry if Im not pretty well versed about SHIELD, where is the helicarrier located? on a body of water or a piece of land?anyway looks interesting enough, might get it along with that quinjet, but honestly I was kinda hoping for that flying shield car hehe 
no new MU love? they all in with avengers movie? if so then too bad they didnt make their figs too well for that movie
No, the Hellicarrier is a mobile base of operations. It is an aircraft carrier that is itself an aircraft - hence "heli-carrier". I know, it sounds like it might just be a carrier FOR helicopters; but it originally used several sets of helicopter blades all around it to stay in the air which is where the name came from. Now it's really a jet engine based thing or maybe even something more advanced in the new movie; but the name is stuck. definitely a cool idea in the comics (Jim Steranko's idea? anyone know?) and getting to see that sucker hit the big screen is pretty dang cool, imo.
oh, and definitely agree on that one Clam. A multipassenger Quinjet would have been killer. But then they'd have had to make that carrier like 8 feet long to work with it. Now THAT would be awesome.lol a little out of my price range though....
After Tony Stark became head of SHIELD (616) and always (ultimate) the helicarrier uses his tech to stay aloft.
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