Today's Marvelous Collector:
Name: Sy Winnie
Location: Oregon, Ohio
When did you start collecting? 1967 and still currently collecting and showcasing my collection of over 7,000 Spider-Man collectibles at which has been featured in Forbes magazine, ABC News, TV Guide, Toyshop magazine, and other media. Parts of my collection have been used in Marvel's Spider-Man Encyclopedia Vol 4, and the upcoming Spider-Man: The Icon book by Steve Saffel and Stan Lee.
What is your favorite or most-wanted Marvel Collectible? Its a toss up between the 1967 Marx Friction Scooter, and the 1967 Ideal Captain Action Spider-Man Costume.
I love Marvel toys because: They're based on the greatest fictional characters of all time.
Be sure to take a look at the photos below of Sy's Marvelous Collection.
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