Nicolas Cage Looking At New Direction For 'Ghost Rider 2'

Nicolas Cage Looking At New Direction For 'Ghost Rider 2'

Outsiders - July 15, 2009
Nicolas Cage is still looking for a writer and director to helm the sequel for "Ghost Rider" and Cage hasn't been shy about sharing his thoughts on where the studio should go for the sequel and his plans to reprise his role as Johnny blaze, the human side of the Spirit of Vengeance.

The actor told MTV News that he's looking less toward "sequel" and more toward "reboot" for the next "Ghost Rider" film.

"I would like to do a reconceive." "I would like to go in a whole other direction, and I think that's what they're talking about."

According to Cage, he's still leaning toward a "Ghost Rider" movie that brings the skull-faced Marvel Comics hero to Europe for a team-up with Catholic Church. Oh, and there will be significantly fewer galloping horses and six-shooters in the follow-up film.

"I would make it much less of a Western and more of an international story," said Cage of the direction he'd take the character for the next film.



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