Jeph Loeb shared some new information for the Marvel Television panel about upcoming live-action shows. Below are the highlights of the shows:
The first series for ABC is "AKA Jessica Jones" and described as a story about a failed superhero. The show would feature Carol Danvers and Luke Cage. The story follows a character named Jessica Jones, a former costumed superhero named Jewel who left that avocation to become a private investigator. The running thread is Jessica's character development, as the layers of her past and personality are revealed to the reader while, simultaneously, she tries to come to terms with them herself.
The next project was the Del Toro "Hulk" project, set in the early years of Bruce Banner and the series will be focused on the love story between Banner and Betty Ross.
The third project was "Cloak and Dagger", which is a story that centers on "two teenagers who discover each other and find their powers both complement and complicate their lives."
The final live-action TV project announced was "Mockingbird", which will depicting Bobby Morse as "a Peter Parker Nerd" who is recruited to a secret organization. So she will be a student by day and a special agent by night.
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