I read a lot of the Civil War stuff. To the best of my memory, Tony gave Parker the suit and told him just put it on and think it invisible, and it will go invisible. And think it there, and it will show. There were a few panels showing it appearing on him, and then vanishing, but I never remember him being translucent.
That said, it might have been hiding in the pages of God knows what number of God knows what title. You can't read everything in Marvel it's impossible.
But I can tell you it wasn't in any of the issues of the main Civil War title and wasn't in any of the side stories I read, and I read quite a few. There were some big fights between Iron Spider and Cap, and Iron Spider and Tony when Parker decided to switch sides and leave the pro-registration heroes. I don't remember him looking that way. If he did, it was very very brief.
So, it sure as hell isn't a look that was ever front and center, I'll tell you that much.
Maybe in the Avengers Initiative books with team Iron Spider. There were 3 guys wearing this suit in the Initiative.
is this variant in any way relevant??
I guess what I mean is, is Iron Spider-Man ever translucent??
Most variants make since. Different colored attires, or someone like Nightcrawler phasing out. But does iron Spidey ever go translucent??