Marvel Studios has a lot of movies and sequels coming out between now and 2015, Marvel's Kevin Feige told
MTV News. One movie in 2015 the world will finally see Edgar Wright's "Ant-Man," long-rumored but now on the fast-track towards reality as the official start of Phase Three.
"'Ant-Man' is definitely part of Phase Three," Kevin Feige commented.
"Like 'Iron Man 3,' it's certainly set in the Marvel Universe, but it's also through the lens of Edgar Wright — which is the only reason we're making the movie." "It's very much an 'Ant-Man' origin movie from the perspective of Edgar Wright and his co-writer Joe Cornish. Beyond that… 'Ant-Man' is the only one officially announced, but you probably don't have to look too far to guess at the next list of characters we're toying with and beginning to develop."
Kevin Feige also confirmed that Doctor Strange is definitely one of the characters being developed.
"He's a great, original character, and he checks the box off this criteria that I have: he's totally different from anything else we have, just like 'Guardians of the Galaxy.' He's totally different from anything we've done before, as is 'Ant-Man,' which keeps us excited."
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