The X-Men Marvel Legends Mojoworld Multipack from Hasbro is in stock now at our sponsor
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I was glad they gave us an option anyhow. Cant think of another time theyve done that. I went for the set when it had gone on sale the first time then sold off Mojo because I prefer the look of the deluxe.. who is still sitting on my radar.
On 10/5/2023 at 8:19 AM, Lord_Scareglow said:Love how this initially was sooo expensive and exclusive to Pulse, now it's everywhere and on sale, the Single packed Longshot and Mojo really shot this in the foot, bad timing on Hasbro's part to have this pack come out and right on it's heels Longshot and Mojo, don't think people were willing to fork over the extra dough for a fancy box, a sorta updated but not much Dazzler (seeing as how retro carded Dazzler was on sale pegwarming hard) and a baby Wolverine statue.
It was really weird because that single release Mojo wasn't just available for preorder at the same time but physically available.
Love how this initially was sooo expensive and exclusive to Pulse, now it's everywhere and on sale, the Single packed Longshot and Mojo really shot this in the foot, bad timing on Hasbro's part to have this pack come out and right on it's heels Longshot and Mojo, don't think people were willing to fork over the extra dough for a fancy box, a sorta updated but not much Dazzler (seeing as how retro carded Dazzler was on sale pegwarming hard) and a baby Wolverine statue.
On 5/24/2023 at 9:46 AM, Emnems80 said:It sucks because sometimes it's hard to know which ones to jump on. Take for instance the MCU Spidey 3 pack or the Daredevil 3 pack.
I mean, everyone was predicting that the Spidey 3-pack would be released again later on in another form, especially because it was on the leaked list. I bought the 3-pack with the intention of keeping one set masked and the others unmasked. The Daredevil set is weirder, I have to assume they'll rerelease DD on the RYV or Vulcan buck later, and Elektra probably in her red, maybe also Bullseye in the black and white. It's definitely less certain where they'll appear next than the Spideys though.
On 5/22/2023 at 6:30 AM, AndyL said:LOL. Arent those Sales a kick in the junk sometimes? You just have to look caving into FOMO on some of these EXCLUSIVE items only to see them eventually go on sale or end up available on other sites later. The only time this worked in my favor at all was with the MODOK World Domination set. I did like it and I really wanted that Captain figure but after just buying the other MODOK at what I thought was a heafty price I couldn't bring myself to do it. Unitl it went on sale on Pulse for less than half te original cost. It still wasn't worth it but that Captain figure is truly unique in the Legends field.
It sucks because sometimes it's hard to know which ones to jump on. Take for instance the MCU Spidey 3 pack or the Daredevil 3 pack.
AndyL -
2023-05-22 @ 1:30 pm
On 5/21/2023 at 11:41 AM, Emnems80 said:You could've done worse like me. I bought this, Spidey and his Amazing Friends, and the Heralds of Galactus sets about a month before Hasbro Pulse had their big sale.
LOL. Arent those Sales a kick in the junk sometimes? You just have to look caving into FOMO on some of these EXCLUSIVE items only to see them eventually go on sale or end up available on other sites later. The only time this worked in my favor at all was with the MODOK World Domination set. I did like it and I really wanted that Captain figure but after just buying the other MODOK at what I thought was a heafty price I couldn't bring myself to do it. Unitl it went on sale on Pulse for less than half te original cost. It still wasn't worth it but that Captain figure is truly unique in the Legends field.
On 5/15/2023 at 2:52 PM, AndyL said:Wow i bought this full price. No regrets though. If I had waited this thing surely would have sold out. This is also the better Mojo and the best Dazzler to date because it uses the Shriek model rather than the Kate one.
You could've done worse like me. I bought this, Spidey and his Amazing Friends, and the Heralds of Galactus sets about a month before Hasbro Pulse had their big sale.
AndyL -
2023-05-15 @ 9:52 pm
Wow i bought this full price. No regrets though. If I had waited this thing surely would have sold out. This is also the better Mojo and the best Dazzler to date because it uses the Shriek model rather than the Kate one.
This set is really nice. Good on ya if you waited, cause 110 bucks is totally reasonable for it.
Shown below is the new X-Men Marvel Legends Mojoworld Exclusive Four-Pack from Hasbro and is up for pre-order from our sponsors and Entertainment Earth with a retail price of $109.99!. This pack was originally exclusive to Hasbro Pulse!

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