Marvel Legends - The Near Complete Set: Iron Man

by Jay Cochran
March 25, 2016
Tarot on our message boards has started a new featured titled "Marvel Legends - The Near Complete Set" where he will be taking a specific Marvel character and looking at all the versions that have been made into 6" Marvel Legends form and discussing which versions still yet need to be made. For the next edition of this segment he is looking at the character Iron Man. If you would like to join in on the discussion or just check out what figures have been made already CLICK HERE..
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tarot - 2016-09-14 @ 10:10 pm

The first NCS video is up.

tarot - 2016-09-07 @ 9:10 pm

New NCS Youtube channel

The new introduction video for Marvel Legends - The Near Complete Set?. please like, share and of course subscribe.

tarot - 2016-09-07 @ 4:02 pm

NCS ill be slightly put on hold to create some new contain. look out for next week we I will be puting up a TL:DR videos up on my Youtube channel. I of course will be starting with Spider-man and working my way up to other characters that I have done. so please Subscribe to the channel below. Please note that I'm very new at this and probably won't be talking in the video. (don't like the sound of my voice). Unless some people want to help and audition for the role . I'll write the script of course. Just private message me to send a email with a audio of one of the previous NCS as a example

tarot - 2016-08-30 @ 7:12 pm

Were back. Like a phoenix raising from the ashes, we return with a new NCS. This time we look at the 2 ladies of Marvel that have been know more by their given names then by their codenames. Today we look at the women otherwise known as the Phoenix, Jean Grey (both versions) and Rachel Summer/Grey. We start off of course with Jean Grey.

Jean Grey was Prof Xaviers first student but was the last member to join the X-men, making her the first and longing serving female X-men. Going by the codename Marvel Girl, she was your typical damsel in distress character for a long time. That was until the famous Dark Phoenix saga, where she became near god like. Or so we were made to believe. Now see this where is get confusing. While many media outside comic have made the point that Phoenix and Jean Grey are the same, that was not the case. While the story did in fact intend for them to be one and the same, when Marvel decided to resurrect her, they had the Phoenix taken on her form and left her alive in a cocoon at the bottom of a lake. But many writer nowadays a days have either forgotten about it or are trying to retcon it, whether you think of Phoenix and Jean Grey as the same person or 2 different people is up to you. But the funny fact is that Jean has worn the Phoenix costume anyway so for the sake of this NCS we will consider them the same person.

As for the action figure side of things, Jean Grey is the Spider-man/Wolverine/Iron Man of the female side of Marvel Legends. No other female character has had gotten more figure than any other. If you include the X3 figures, she has gotten a totally of 9 figures, 11 if you include the unreleased AOA (wont be talking about that here, Maybe a AOA NCS? Let me know if you want it.) and the White Phoenix. Lets have a look at them then.

2ic9tw8.jpgStory Jean Grey as she first appearance in issue #1. She was the last to join. At the time all the X-men were the same or similar uniform and this was hers.

For your Collection You guys know my love for FA costume and this does work for it. However, the figure itself is actually too big for this costume, as they are using adult body instead of a teenage body. This should have been on the Jubilee body. Not Essential by any mean but until we get a newer version this will have to do.

Needs a Remake? Yes, with the new teenage mould I would love Hasbro redoing this on that mould.


Story After defeating a major alien, Xavier rewarded the team with individual costume, which were designed by Jean herself. This is the costume she wore up until and including the Phoenix saga. This costume is actually famous for be mistakenly called her first costume in the X-mens 90 cartoon.

For your Collection This is a horrible figure and not even the Cable figure it came with is good enough to buy this set. Only get it if you are a Jean Grey fan, but even then it might not be worth it.

Needs a Remake? Oh God Yes! Even though it might not be for a LOOOOOONG time, we really need this figure to be redone, maybe as a box set with the other X-men.


Story I dont think there isnt a X-men fan who doesnt know the Dark Phoenix saga. I dont think there is a general comic fan that doesnt know this story. Phoenix replace Jean, Hellfire Club made her go insane, she destroyed a galaxy, fought the Shiar Guard and killed herself. Jean would go onto wearing this costume from time to time.

For your Collection probably Jeans most iconic costume, this is a most for any X-men fan. If you have to get only one figure for Jean, then this is the one you should get.

Needs a Remake? Just got a remake, so no.

4.Black Queen:

Story Under the influence of Mastermind, Jean/Phoenix joined the Hellfire Club and became their Black Queen. This was one for 1 or 2 issues.

For your Collection This one can be skipped. While not being like the artwork shouldnt matter (like they could sell that at retail), it is not iconic enough to purchase. Plus, it uses the horrible first Emma Frost mold. Only thing really worth the purchase is the whip accessories.

Needs a Remake? No. Not really needed. But if they were to do a Hellfire club box set then yes.

5.Dark Phoenix:

Story See the Phoenix for the story behind this. This colour was used a few times in Jean Greys costumes, usually to mean she has gone insane again.

For your Collection Yes. I think this is an important figure for any collection as it was story line was one of the many turning points in comic book history, killing off one of their main characters, which was never really done before.

Needs a Remake? There is rumours that the images we saw in SDCC was for a ML scale, so maybe it will be released in the third wave of X-men.

6.Jim Lees Blue Strike Team:

Story The original X-men had returned to the main team after their time as the first X-Factor. Xavier had spilt the team into 2 team, blue and Gold. Jean was part of Storms Blue team. It is also the costume that she wore in the X-men Cartoon.

For your Collection As it stands Hasbro has said that they are planning on doing all the Jim Lees/90s Cartoon X-men, so this one is essential for completing that team.

Needs a Remake? No. Its fine the way it is.

Now onto what we need to complete her wardrobe. Please note that I will be only giving the chances of it being made as we have a bit to go through.

v3njhe.jpgStory After the Phoenix End song, Jean Grey joined the other hosts of the Phoenix in the White Hot Room. To symbolise this, she was given a white costume to show for purity.

Chances of release This was one of the many figure from the Rocket Raccoon wave variants that never saw release. Some believe that the latest green Phoenix is this one painted green. I personally would like to see this and AOA released eventually. But chances are low.

What we need:

1.Second costume: Low Chance (head swap of FA?)

2.X-terminators: No Chance

3.X-force: Possible (X-factor box set)

4.X-Force II: High Chance (X-Factor Box Set)

5.Training Costume: No Chance

6.X-force: Low chance

7.Post Twelve Low Chance

8.New X-men: No Chance

Next we look at the time displaced younger Jean Grey. I already talked about this in last NCS Cyclops so I wont go into that story. The only thing extra I must say is that she has been showing different powers in her older version.

What we have:

First Appearance:

Story Jean Grey as he originally appeared in All-New X-men when he was brought forward in time.

For your Collection For a figure that is supposed to be a teenager, this does not work. I use it for my young Jean grey only cause it the only one we have. Hopefully Hasbro will redo this on the new teenage mould.

Needs a Remake? Yes, with the new teenage mould I would love Hasbro redoing this on that mould.

What we need:


Story- After leaving Wolverines school and joining Phoenix school, the team was given similar costumes with their own colour.

Chances of being made? if we do get a new young Phoenix, I think it might be this or.


Story- This is the costume Jean Grey were after the Secret War where she is invited to join Storms team whose mission is to find mutants as they are dying out after the Terrigen Mist was released making mutants sterile

Chances of being made? This is the next Jean Grey I want to see made as it will be the start of the Extraordinary X-men (yes I know Old Man Logan is rumour that thats not confirmed).

Finally, we will look at Cyclops and Jeans possible daughter from the Days of Future Past universe, Rachel Summer. Rachel was a mutant raised in a concentration camp. She was one of the remaining Xmen and was the one that sent an older Kitty Pride back into the past. She was later taken by Ahab and turned into a Hound, a mutant used to hunt down other mutants. She eventually travels back in time and took her mothers role as the Phoenix. She was one of the founding members of Excalibur but eventually returned to the future. During the X-Treme X-men storyline, she somehow returned to this time and took the name Marvel Girl after her mother, also changing her surname too Grey because Cyclops had begun dating Emma Frost.


Story After the X-Treme X-men returned to the main team, they became the XSE. This is the costume she wore when she was a member of that team.

For your Collection This is a bad figure, but unfortunately this is the only figure of this character that we have so you will more the likely have to get her. I think they may release a new version eventually but not soon.

Needs a Remake? Yes, a new version preferably but we need a remake of this character.

What we need:

Hound: High Chance (head swap of Excalibur)

Phoenix I: No Chance

Excalibur: High Chance (Excalibur Box set Hasbro?)

Phoenix II: No Chance

Starjammer: Possible

Marvel Now: Possible

Well thats it for the Phoenix. I know that some other people have used that name like Emma Frost and Baron Zemo, but let face it these are the character you think of when you think of the Phoenix. Next time we will look at Cyclops and Phoenixs extended family as we look at the Summer Family, which will include Havok, Cable and Hope Summers.

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tarot - 2016-07-27 @ 7:10 pm

For those that can't wait for next weeks After-con SDCC 2016 Thread I have posted some images to compare the figures to the comic images on my facebook page. have a look.

Dr. Strange wave -

Spider-man wave 6 -

X-men Wave 2 -

Guardians of the Galaxy Wave 1 -

the After-con should be up next week.

tarot - 2016-07-26 @ 7:23 pm

Updates the Spider-man section


tarot - 2016-07-18 @ 5:04 pm

I'm sorry to say that dues to several reason (work, SDCC and a vacation) that the next NCS will be mid to late August. I will be doing a Post SDCC in the coming weeks so look forward to that.

tarot - 2016-07-06 @ 5:30 pm

He was the first X-men, recruited by Charles Xavier to lead the team. This has led to make some very harsh and sometimes extreme decisions. He is the laser blasting leader of the X-men, Scott Summers, A.K.A. Cyclops.

Cyclops first appeared in X-men #1. He was a young orphan who Xavier rescued from an abusive foster father who was using Cyclops to commit crimes. He was the first of the X-men (Jean being Xaviers first student). He appeared in all their adventure and was the only one of the original team to remain after Giant-Size X-men. While he has left the team on occasions, but Cyclops has been a part of the X-men for most of the teams life.

When we talk about Cyclops, we now talk about 2 versions of him, the older more experienced and, lets face it, a slightly racist version and the younger, time displaced version. Let talk about the older fella first.

2cpdxyh.jpgStory Cyclops as he first appeared in X-men #1. During the many issue, all the X-men wore the same outfit. This outfit became the standard for many new recruits such as Kitty Pryde and the Young X-men. Even the older member wore a similar costume for a time (just blue instead of black). Also known the training uniform.

For your Collection You guys know my love for FA costume and this does work for it. However, the figure itself is actually too big for this costume, as they are using adult body instead of a teenage body, which they hadnt created it. I would say get this just for your FA collection but not for the All-New X-men set it was advertising (although I use it for that but thats just me.)

Needs a Remake? Yes, with the new teenage mould I would love Hasbro redoing this on that mould.


Story After proving themselves against many enemies, Xavier decided it was time the team graduated. As such they were each given individual costumes designed by Jean Grey. While one could say it was the FA costume, this is the costume hat many of Cyclops costumes are based on. He wore this up until Storm defeated him in combat and until he helped form the first X-factor team.

For your Collection One of Cyclops most iconic costume. However, the figure is fairly bad. There are better figures. I would only recommend getting this if you have to have it to complete a number of team, are a Cyclops fan (you know the 2 of you) or can get it MOC so you can big the Sentinel.

Needs a Remake? Yes, given that its one of his most iconic costume and Hasbro have been doing fairly well with him, I would say a repaint of the 3 other Cyclops would work.

3.X-Factor 2:

Story One of the founding members of the X-Factor, Cyclops lead the team in their quest to find young mutants to train them. After X-Tinction Agenda, Cyclops began wearing a Blue and White version of his first X-factor costume.

For your Collection The variant of the Graduated version, I will say that this can be skipped as the rest of the team hasnt even being done yet.

Needs a Remake? Unless they want to do a X-factor box set like they did in MU then no it doesnt need a remake.

4.Jim Lees Blue Strike Team:

Story Famous for being designed by Jim Lee and the main costume of the 90s cartoon. Having re-joined the X-men, the team was spilt up into 2 team, the Blue, led by Cyclops and the Gold, led by Storm. Cyclops wore this costume up until his death during the Twelve storyline.

For your Collection If you want to complete your Jim Lee's then you really need this costume.

Needs a Remake? Coming out in the next X-men wave so no no need for a repaint.

5.Astonishing X-men:

Story After Xorn destruction of New York, Cyclops decided it was better if the team went back to individual costumes, believing it would make the team more appealing to the general populous.

For your Collection One of Hasbros earlier figure, it is not without its problem. However, it is necessary to complete the Astonishing X-men team.

Needs a Remake? No. while the figure is bad, the time has passed for it to be redone.

6.Post Messiah Complex:

Story After Hopes birth, The X-men had gone their separate ways. Having relocated moving to San Francisco ad saving it from a 60s obsess mutant, Cyclops and the mayor invited mutant to come and live in the city. Cyclops redesign his suit into this.

For your Collection I would say get this as its work for a standard Cyclops. Unfortunately, it was an exclusive so it might be hard to get.

Needs a Remake? Maybe for general release, but no. Its okay as is.


Story After Cyclops went out of control after having been taken over by the Phoenix and killing Xavier, Cyclops escaped prison and realised that his power were out of control. As if using this costume to show his renegade status, he designed this which he wore up until the Secret War.

For your Collection Another exclusive figure, I would say get this if you want the most up to date version we have. And if you want Jubilee you need this.

Needs a Remake? Maybe for general release, but no. Its okay as is.

Now onto the one we dont have. Many of these just needed to be a repaint of the now standard Cyclops/Bucky Cap build.

2mp049g.jpga. Story- Eric the Red was originally a persona that Cyclops used to infiltrate a villain organization, unbeknownst to the teammates. He designed it so that his eye beam could transfer to his hands and shot out a blast. It was later learnt that a ShiAr agent also used the identity.

b. Chances of being made? For Cyclops, no it wont be made. But for the ShiAr agent, it is a small chance as he was a part of the 90s cartoon.

2. X-terminators

a. Story- This was the public persona that the original X-Factor used. They made the public believe that they were hunting down mutants to kill them but instead they faked their death and brought him to their base to be trained and protect.

b. Chances of being made? No chance of being made.

3. X-Factor 1

a. Story- The first costume version of Cyclops X-factor costume.

b. Chances of being made? This is really just a yellow and blue version of the one we got. It might be possible for a X-factor box set.

4. X-factor 3

a. Story- Having revealed their identity to the world, Cyclops begin wearing this.

b. Chances of being made? Possible head swap for the X-Factor 1 version.

5. Reborn

a. Story- After he was found alive and separated from Apocalypse, Cyke began wearing this short term outfit on missions.

b. Chances of being made? Very little chance. Only wore it for a short time.

6. New X-Men

a. Story- To tie in the comic to the first X-men movie, Marvel began making all the wear near the same black leather outfit. In the comic, Xavier (or rather Cassandra Nova) outed himself as a mutant and opened up the school to all mutants.

b. Chances of being made? Very little chance of being made.

7. Phoenix 5

a. Story- Cyclops was one of 5 X-men to gain the powers of the Phoenix during the Avengers VS X-men story arc. He began to try and correct the world but soon went insane with power.

b. Chances of being made? Yes I know it had a prototype made for it already but Hasbro has officially said that is never going to be release. Maybe they might change their minds and release a Phoenix 5 box set like the custom one that was shown last year by a fan.

8. Full Powered Phoenix

a. Story- After absorbing all of the Phoenix powers, Cyclops began attacking everyone and killed Xavier. He was later defeated.

b. Chances of being made? Very little chance.

9. Secret Wars

a. Story- Just before the Secret Wars, Cyclops again absorb the powers of the Phoenix where he tried to stop the Incursion. He was one of the few people to be taken aboard Reed Richards arc but was quickly killed by Doom.

b. Chances of being made? Not impossible I mean just a repaint of the standard Cyclops and you have it.

That it for the older Cyclops now onto the younger (and in my opinion a far better version) Young Cyclops. He was one of the Original X-men brought forward in time by Beast to teach Cyclops the error of his way. He met and travelled with his father Corsair, after the Trail of Jean Grey arc, before returning to Earth after the Black Vortex saga.

2s1olzd.jpgFirst Appearance:

Story Cyclops as he originally appeared in All-New X-men when he was brought forward in time.

For your Collection For a figure that is supposed to be a teenager, this does not work. I use it for my young Cyclops only cause it the only one we have. Hopefully Hasbro will redo this on the new teenage mould.

Needs a Remake? Yes, with the new teenage mould I would love Hasbro redoing this on that mould.

What we need:


Story- After leaving Wolverines school and joining Cyclops school, the team was given similar costumes with their own colour. Cyclops wore this during his solo comic.

Chances of being made? if we do get a new young Cyclops, I think it might be this or..


Story- Im not sure of the story behind this, but this is the costume Cyke has begun to were during the ANAD time.

Chances of being made? This might be the next young Cyclops we get.

Well thats it for Cyclops. Yes, I know there is a new black Cyclops, but the likelihood of us getting it is slim to nil. I will be back soon but I should warn people that I might be putting this on hold until after SDCC. Havent decided yet. Anyway the next NCS will be She is the Phoenix, which will focus on Jean Grey (both versions) and her Daughter Rachel.

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tarot - 2016-06-29 @ 6:51 pm

added a new poll to see who you want as the next NCS after Thor's God Squad.

Note know that these will be 2 to 4 sections long, IE. Daredevil will include Daredevil and Elektra, Heroes for Hire and The Punishers or Symbiotes will include Venom and the Other Symbiotes (IE Carnage and Hybrid).

tarot - 2016-06-22 @ 7:12 pm

Next we get onto one of my personal favourite comic book character She-Hulk. Or at least one of them.

In all fairness to Marvel, when it comes to their female character, they are reluctant to just slap a girl/woman/lady onto their big name characters, like Spider-man and Hulk. In DC, at least in the early years, they just had to have a female version of their main characters, like Batman and Bat-girl/woman. And when marvel does create a female version of them, it usually so they can have the rights to the names.

Such was the case Spider-woman and such was the case with She-Hulk. The studio behind the 70/80s TV series was planning to introduce the She-Hulk into the show. If they had the studio would have owned the right to the character instead of Marvel. Thus Marvel rushed to create a She-Hulk of their own. So on February 1980, The Savage She-Hulk #1 was released, so let talk about that first.

f2dq9.jpgStory This is She-Hulk as she first appeared in Savage She-Hulk #1. The story is really the same as I just wrote about above.

For your Collection Unless you find this figure MOC with FFF head and neck, then I would say not to try and track this down. It is too short and not a good figure, and only should be bought if you want to complete FFF. And this is coming from a guy who love FA figures.

Needs a Remake? No, while it was a crap figure, the version it is based on is not that iconic so can be skipped.

2.Fantastic Four I

Story When Ben Grimm decided to stay on Battleworld after Marvels Secret Wars (no not that one the first one), Reed Richards asked She-Hulk to fill in for him as the teams muscle. She would go on to serve the Fantastic Four as the longest running fill-in member, serving 2 terms.

For your Collection This is an awesome figure and is really needed for F4 fan. However, it was a SDCC exclusive, thus is expensive (latest EBay prices had her at 80 dollars), so trying to track this down for reasonably price might be hard.

Needs a Remake? If they remake classic version then a F4 version might be possible. Maybe a F4 box set?


Story There is no real story behind this. It just the version most people remember when they think of her. Most of the other versions are basically a variant of this. Sometimes she wears jeans with it, sometimes it a separate tank top and shorts. It all depends on the artist.

For your Collection This is actually one of the best figures of the early Hasbro (mainly because it was designed by TB). I would recommend this for anyone until they release a new version.

Needs a Remake? Yes and No. I actually this is a perfect figure as is but I wouldnt fault Hasbro for giving us an updated version. Maybe one of the other variants.


Story At the heart of Jen character, she is first and foremost a lawyer, even going into the courtroom as She-Hulk. But her being green hasnt stop her from winning many cases.

For your Collection This is the same figure as the F4 one.

Needs a Remake? No. its not needed and who want a lawyer on their shelves.

As for what we need, while I did supply a few costumes the fact is that if we do get a new She-hulk it will more than likely be the signature version or some variant of it. Although I wouldnt mind them a F4 box set with Medusa, Ant-man and She-Thing.

Next we have Red She-Hulk.

e5jybl.jpgStory RSH as she appeared after Fear Itself. The sword she carries is the one Stark gave her to be one of the Mighty.

For your Collection I would say try and get this. It is an awesome version and a most have for any Hulk/She-Hulk collection. I wouldnt be surprised if she was brought back eventually.

Needs a Remake? Just got release so no.

Next up is Tundra. wait, what?

30wv47o.jpgStory This is Tundra in her classic outfit. She is one of the few character to rarely change her outfit.

For your Collection I would say try and get this. It is an awesome version and a most have for any F4 collection. Plus, you can team her up with Valkyrie and She-Hulk.

Needs a Remake? Just got release so no. Also it is unlikely we are ever going to get a new version of this.

Finally, we go onto the women in Hulks life not just She-hulk, that I think really need to be made at some point.


Story Lyra is the daughter of the Hulk and Thundra, she was born and raised in Femizona. She was treated poorly because she was born with a mens DNA. She journeyed back in time where she work undercover with Hulk to take down Intelligencia. She later was put under the care of She-hulk before becoming an environment activist.

It has a figure? Reveal back in 2012, it was supposed to be a swap with Red She-hulk but was one of the notorious figure that never got release (like Blade and Moonstar). Hasbro has said they are willing to bring her out but no word has since come out. Maybe in next year Thor line, since Hulk is in that movie.



Story- The reason this is here and not next to Red She-Hulk, is because many people have been it. Betty Ross was turned into it by the Leader to attack Hulk but she failed and was transformed back. There then was a number of clones and robot each who got defeated or destroy. The latest to donned this form was Morla Chandler, former girlfriend of Joe Fixit and later wife of Rick Jone.

Chances of being made? I dont see this being made anytime soon but it would make for a nice BAF.


Story- When Hulk crashed landed on Sakaar, she was the Red Kings greatest warrior. She battled Hulk and eventually gained a respect for him. After she witness Red King destroying villages, she joined with Hulk to take down the Red King. They eventually married but she died when Hulks shipped exploded.

Chances of being made? With the next Hulk movie rumoured to be a Planet Hulk, she more then likely to be made has she would be the female lead in it.


Story- Geiger is inessentially Doc Samsons sidekick. She was a college student that was blasted with gamma energy. After that she began having nightmare of a green monster killing people. Doc Samson and She-hulk tracked down 2 monster one which turns out for be Geiger. She was transformed into a Female version of Samson after that.

Chances of being made? While near impossible, I could see her being made as a store exclusive figure in box set like the recent Kate Bishop.


Story- Elloe was a noble on the Planet Sakaar when her family questioned Red Kings leadership. She was made into Gladiator along with her brother. She joined up with the Hulk and his Warbounds to defeat the Red King. She journeyed with them to Earth where she stayed.

Chances of being made? Again, with the Rumoured Hul movie, this might have a chance of being made.


Story- Hulk was transported to the Micro-verse where he happens upon a green race of people. After saving them from monsters, the queen Jarella, use her magic to allow Bruce Banner to control the Hulk. They became lover but were separated when he was forced to return to the main universe. They were reunited when she travelled to the main universe. However their time was cut short when she was killed saving a child. She was one of the first of Hulks love to die.

Chances of being made? An iconic character in Hulks history, this however has little chance of being made as she has not been revived since.


Story- Geiger is inessentially Doc Samsons sidekick. She was a college student that was blasted with gamma energy. After that she began having nightmare of a green monster killing people. Doc Samson and She-hulk tracked down 2 monster one which turns out for be Geiger. She was transformed into a Female version of Samson after that.

Chances of being made? While near impossible, I could see her being made as a store exclusive figure in box set like the recent Kate Bishop.

Kate Oldstrong

Story- Kate Waynesboro was a SHIELD agent sent to spy on Bruce Banner. She pretended to be his lab assistant. She was later captured by AIM and turned into MODAM, a female version of MODOK. After she was turned back she returned to SHIELD and helped the Hulk. She was put in charge of the Warbound where she eventually gained the powers of the Oldstrong

Chances of being made? Little chance of being made but might be included as a SHIELD female agent head or part of a Warbound box set.

Nicole Martin

Story- Nicole Martin is a member of the Gamma Corp which she has a version of the Abomination.

Chances of being made? If they make a Gamma Corps Box set she would be include but chances are low.

Well thats it for the Gamma powered peole. Well at least the heroic side. Next up we look at the first part of a 3 part for the third place winner, Cyclops. Surprising I know.

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