Hopefully the character and story is good because the character design is crap. And he better not be a ripoff of DC's Sandman.
Somebody should'a told them....its May, April Fool's day was LAST month....
5 says this comic puts you to sleep...I'll see myself out
34 minutes ago, RyanDaly said:... and Star-Lord says, "I'll do you one better: Where is Somnus?"And then Drax says, "I'll do you one better: WHY is Somnus?"
This gave me a genuine chuckle.
... and Star-Lord says, "I'll do you one better: Where is Somnus?"And then Drax says, "I'll do you one better: WHY is Somnus?"
Are all new comic characters kids these days? Maybe it's just that I'm getting older,lol. Any how, not the most compelling of designs; give the kid some shiny black boots at least!
Is this going to be another one of those characters that has been a character for years but no one remembers him? Ala Sentry? Judging from his design he might be one that should have stayed forgotten.
A character that puts you to sleep, right?
Worryingly that the title says Who was Somnus. Hopefully he's not another Freedom Ring
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