Marvelous News: In a recent Q&A you said you were now looking at 2011 as a release date for the newest batch of
6" Marvel Legends 2-packs. This would be different from the Fall of this year release date talked about at Toy Fair. Has the release of these in fact been delayed or was this some type of miss-communication?
Hasbro: We are working on some future plans for 6-inch figures and plan to announce later this year.
Marvelous News: Okay that answer totally side-stepped the question and didn't really answer anything. We are going to assume this means yes, there has been a delay.
Marvelous News: Recently what appears to be a
Marvel Universe X-Men 6-pack showed up on eBay. Is there any information on this you can share with us, is there a 6-pack for the Marvel Universe in the works?
Hasbro: We will be sharing more info on this at SDCC.
Marvelous News: When will the
Iron Man 2 Fury of Combat 4-pack be released and will it be a store exclusive, or see a general release?
Hasbro: It is planned for DVD timing as an exclusive
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